Salvaged Materials Pic Material Sell Source Rank Availability Exchange Bronze F-Ticket 200 Multiplayer (Common) / Bonus Reward (Uncommon) / Mission Additional Reward (Rare) 1-3 / DLC / DLC Devour - Silver F-Ticket 400 Multiplayer (Common) / Bonus Reward (Uncommon) / Mission Additional Reward (Rare) 4-6 / DLC / DLC Devour E Gold F-Ticket 600 Multiplayer (Common) / Mission Additional Reward (Rare) 7-10 / DLC Devour E Weak Tool Steel 40 Wailing Plains 1-3 Salvage E Duralumin 40 Infernal Subway 1-3 Salvage E Brittle Tungsten 60 Sunken Grid 1-3 Salvage E Brittle Titanium 60 City of Mercy 1-3 Salvage E Weak Magnet 40 Wailing Plains 1-3 Salvage E Mana Stone Chip 100 City of Mercy 1-3 Salvage E Cobalt 80 Infernal Subway 1-3 Salvage E Meteorite Silver 100 Sunken Grid 1-3 Salvage E Salve 100 Sunken Grid 1-3 Salvage E Impure Soft Iron 100 Sunken Grid 1-3 Salvage E Magnesium 50 Shop - Buy E Ceramic Plate 160 Forgotten Carrier 1-3 Salvage E Thread 40 Shop - Buy E Cotton 40 Shop - Buy E Wool 1...
Walktrough Rune Factory 3
Main Quest
Event,lalu ikuti Raven masuk ke Sharance Tree,Ikuti Tutorial dari Shara,lalu saat melawan 2 monster pilihan ke 1 akan membawamu ke Normal Mode,dan ke 2 Hard Mode. Selesai dengan itu,keluar dan pergi kea rah rumah shara,(Di tengah).Ikuti Tutorial Quest darinya.
Ikuti Quest dari nya lalu kamu harus berbicara dengan semua penduduk (ada Event bukan berarti sudah berbicara),total ada 22 orang ya ng harus ditemui dan kembalilah ke shara.
Bicara dengan para penduduk yang berbicara tentang Racoon,Lalu pergilah ke Primera Forest.Temukan 2 Buah Patung di sisi Utara ujung dan selatan Ujung (Total 4 Patung),ubah ke 4 patung agar menghadap ke tengah peta.
Setalh itu,masuki ke 2 sisi pintu rahasia yang baru terbuka,bicara ke Daria yang akan membuatkan mu jembatan,masuk lagi ke jalan rahasia,SAVE,dan Lawanlah Boss pertamamu\
Hajar sambil menghindari serangannya,setelah menjadi besar serang terus sampai akhirnya dia mati. Ambil 1ST ORB dan kamu sekarang bisa berubah menjadi Wooly
NB : Minimal LV 5 untuk normal mode dan LV 10 untuk Hard Mode
Jika Level mu sudah diatas 20,masuki Sol Terano dan masuki sisi paling kiri peta,ada desa dimana hanya bisa dimasuki Monster. Setelah itu bicara dengan semua orang disitu tertutama Kuruna,bicara dengan wells,lalu ke kuruna lagi,sekarang kamu akan mencari barang yang diminta Kuruna bersama Zaid.
Pergi ke sisi Tenggara dari peta,kalahkan semua musuh,dan ambil Dragon Bones,beri ke Kuruna dan bicara dengannya ke esokan harinya,Sekarang pergilah ke sisi Barat Daya dari peta,kalahkan semua musuh dan ambil Flower Cactus,lalu pergi lagi ke Univir Vilage,kamu bisa melawan Boss dengan Zaid (Dengan Syarat,harus melawan dengan wujud wooly) atau tidak,apapun pilihanmu,masuki jalan yang baru terbuka!
Serang dia sambil hindari serangannya,setelah tulang-tulang nya hancur,serang kotak ungu yang ada,jika ia mengeluarkan laser,segeralah menghindar….Lakukan ber ulang-ulang sampai kamu menang
Setelah menang,ambil 2ND ORB, dan kamu mengetahui beberapa hal yang hilang dari ingatanmu..
Pergilah ke depan Sharance Tree,dan kamu akan bertemu Sakuya,susul ia di Inn.Lalu Pergilah ke Oddward Valley untuk event pendek di tiap area (Khusus Hari Hujan,Tidak akan ada suara dan kamu harus menunggu sampai tidak hujan),Begitu sampai di SavePoint,SAVE ! Ambil Super Failed Dish lalu bicaralah ke sakuya
Bicara dengan blaise 2x di Diner,pastikan kamu punya Frying Pan,Tangkap Char,Jika Kamu musim Summer kamu bisa menangkap nya di laut (Jika tidak,Bisa kamu tangkap di Sol Terano),Buat lah Salted Char,lalu bicara dengan Carmen di Oddward Valley,pergilah ke tempat SavePoint oddward Valley,di perjalanan kamu akan dijebak 2x,lalu saat SavePoint,SAVE!!! Lalu kamu akan melawan Boss ke 3
NB : Minimal Lv 25 ke atas
Gunakan Senjata Non-Elemen karena mereka Menyerap kekuatan nya. Seranglah saat mereka berdekatan agar mudah dikalahkan,Si Biru mengutamakan Magic,sedangkan Si Merah dengan Fisik. Seranglah si biru dahulu karena dia dapat menyembuhkan diri sendiri. Ambil 3RD ORB dan kamu akan mengetahui ke 3 nama boss yang kamu lawan
Pergilah Ke Vale River,Pergilah ke Sisi Timur Laut,Gunakan Lily Pad(Bisa dibeli di Shara),Kadang kamu perlu mengalahkan semua musuh dahulu,di akhir,SAVE dan lawanlah BOSS ke 4
Lakukan Taktik Hit & Run,Saat dia mau menyerang langsung menyingkir agar tidak terkena banyak damage, Saat HP mu Setengah ,penuhi lagi, kalau-kalau kamu terkena banyak Damage. Setelah ia Mati,ambil 4TH ORB, kamu akan mengetahui nama BOSS ke 4
Kembali Ke Sharance Tree, Bicara dengan Wells,lalu dengan Ondorous,lalu ddengan Wells,Ondorous,Kuruna,Ondorous lagi.Ke rumah,dan Shara akan mengusulkan tentang Bouquet .Lalu Tanam ToyHerb, PinkCat, MoonDrop dan Charm BlueFlower.Tanam di Dungeon yang Sesuai.
Temui Gaius untuk membuat Brooch (Silverx3,Platinumx2,emerald,dan butuh 1 hari) dan Evelyn untuk Ribbon,Berikan semua ke Shara,dan tunggu 1 hari setelah itu, bicara lah pada Shara untuk mendapat Flower Bouquet. Beri ke Kuruna, Bicara dengan wells Tunggu sampai Unity Festival, Setelah Puas,bicara dengan Kuruna untuk mengakhiri hari.
NB : Kamu Harus memberi tahu ID rahasia mu ke salah satuBacholerretes,bicara dengan Wells terus untuk mengaktifkan Quest ini.
Marjorie & Wells akan memberimu Engagement Recipe,Kamu Bisa melamar perempuan idaman mu dengan mengajaknya ke tempat kencan favoritnya (Tekan L+R saat dia senggang) Saat berada di tempat kencan favoritnya, kalau kamu sudah menyelesaikan semua quest dan punya Engagement Ring, Maka ia akan menerima lamaranmu.
Esoknya,bicara dengan Carmen/Carlos,lalu hampiri pinggiran danau,gunakan Lily Pad untuk menuju ke bangunan yang ada,Temui wells,Marjorie kemudia Ondorous dan kembali ke bangunan tadi (Dragon Cave).Pastikan kamu punya Pink Turnip x4,Cucumber x4,spinach x6,dan turnip x4,Hanya ada 1 Save Point, Lalu lawan Final Boss
Dia terbang-terbang di sekitarmu sambil menyerangmu,Hindari lalu Hajar boss sambil bergerak, Hindari Gelembung Sleep dan serangan lainnya sambil menyerang. Makin lama serangannya makin kuat dan Def nya makin kuat,Serang dengan senjata Non elemen sampai dia berbicara,maju dan serang untuk mengakhiri pertarungan.
The End
Dungeon : Primera Forest
Fish : Masu Trout, Gibelio, Needlefish, Lover Snapper, Cherry Salmon, Squid, Lamp Squid.
Mineral : Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Earth Crystal, Amethyst.
Vegetable: Pink Turnip, Cabbage, Strawberry, Onion, Pink Melon.
Flower: Grass, Moondrop, Toyherb, Cherry Grass, Lamp Grass, Blue Crystal, Emery, .
Fruit: Apple
Dungeon: Sol Terano
Fish: Sardine, Char, Chub, Turbot, Sunsquid, Shrimp, Crucian Carp, Lobster, Lover Snapper, Squid.
Mineral: Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Emerald, Ruby, Fire Crystal
Vegetable: Cucumber, Tomato, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant.
Flower: Fireflower, Pink Cat, Ironleaf, Clover, G.Crystal,
Fruit: Orange.
Dungeon: Oddward Valley
Fish: Skipjack, Salmon, Squid, Mackerel, Pike, Snapper, Fall Flounder, Lover Snapper.
Mineral: Scrap Metal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Aquamarine, Wind Crystal.
Plant: Potato, Carrot, Yam, Spinach, Green Pepper.
Flower: Charm Blue, Autumn Grass, Pom-Pom G., Red Crystal
Fruit: Grape.
Dungeon: Vale River
Fish: Tuna, Flounder, Glitter Snapper, Poison Rainbow Trout, Blowfish, Yellowtail, Girella, Taimen, Squid, Lover Snapper, Pond Smelt.
Mineral: Scrap Metal, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Water Crystal, Sapphire.
Vegetable: Turnip, Leek, Daikon, White Cabbage, Hot-Hot F.Seed.
Flower: W.Crystal, Noel.
Quest dari Para HEROINE
Quest untuk Heroine biasanya ditemukan melalui kotak pos di depan pintu menuju rumahmu. Kamu hanya bisa melakukan 1 Quest, tidak peduli Quest dari mana pun, per hari. Kamu baru bisa mengambil Quest lain setelah kamu menyelesaikan atau membatalkan Quest sebelumnya. Untuk membuka Quest berikutnya, kamu harus memiliki tingkat Affection tertentu, menyelesaikan Quest karakter lain atau mengajaknya kencan terlebih dulu. Untuk memulai Quest, kamu harus menemui klienmu terlebih dulu.
* Quest #1: My First Request.
Solution: Bicara dengan SEMUA penduduk kota, kemudian kembali ke Shara. Balik ke rumahmu, masukkan barang apa pun ke dalam Shipping Bin dan lapor ke Shara.
* Quest #2: Come with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field di sisi sebelah kiri rumah Daria.
* Quest #3: I need your help.
Solution: Setelah menerima permintaan Shara, berubahlah menjadi Wooly. Kembali menjadi manusia sebelum menemui Shara lagi.
* Quest #4: My Waterpot...
Solution: Shara akan meminta Waterpot, kamu bisa memberikannya uang agar dia membeli lagi. Namun kamu tidak akan mendapat apa-apa, jadi sebaiknya kamu membuat (atau membeli dari Gaius / Raven) Waterpot baru. Makin tinggi tingkatannya, makin baik hadiahnya.
* Quest #5: I need your advice.
Solution: Cukup bicara dengan Shara.
* Quest #6: Thank you, Your Highness.
Solution: Selesaikan dulu Quest Monica, kemudian bicara dengan Monica dan Shara.
* Quest #7: Can we talk?
Solution: Temui Shara untuk bicara dengannya, kemudian kembalilah ke rumahmu.
* Quest #8: Come with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field untuk bicara dengan Shara.
* Quest # 9: Please help.
Solution: Temui Shara dirumahnya, lalu ke Flower Field. Berubah agar kamu bisa berbicara dengan Wooly yang ada, kemudian kembali ke Shara dan lalu susul dia ke Flower Field.
* Quest #1: Bring me.
Solution: Selesai event, catat harga tiap barang dan layani para pembeli yang datang. Berikan harga yang benar.
* Quest #2: Come here.
Solution: Temui Sofia, kemudian kembali ke Raven.
* Quest #3: Let’s talk.
Solution: Pergilah ke Vale: Icy Rosebush.
* Quest #4: ...............
Solution: Berikan item Skull ke Raven. Skull terkadang dijatuhkan musuh di daerah Sol Terano.
* Quest #5: Help.
Solution: Pergilah ke Sol Terrano: The Fossil.
* Quest #6: Come with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward: Windy Hill.
* Quest #7: It’s important.
Solution: Pergilah ke Blacksmith, lalu temui Karina dan lanjutkan ke Vale: Icy Rosebush.
* Quest #8: Thank you.
Solution: Siapkan Failed Dish, Amethyst Ring dan Gold. Berikan Failed Dish ke Sofia, Amethyst Ring ke Karina dan Gold ke Gaius.
* Quest # 9: I want to say.
Solution: Pergilah ke Vale: Entrance, kemudian susul Raven.
* Quest #1: Bring Me...
Solution: Bicara dengan Sofia untuk menerima Strange Pendant dan berikan ke Karina.
* Quest #2: Come with me.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Evelyn, kemudian kembali ke Karina.
* Quest #3: I need to talk.
Solution: Jawab semua pertanyaan Karina, dan bawakan item yang dia minta.
* Quest #4: Take Me somewhere.
Solution: Pergilah ke Privera Forest: The Eye. Saat berhenti, hancurkan semua Ore lalu bicara lagi dengan Karina. Ambil apel dan berikan ke Karina.
* Quest #5: I want a cold.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Marian, kemudian berikan Yellow Grass, Purple Grass, Grape dan Rice ke Marian.
* Quest #6: Gather up!
Solution: Pergilah ke Diamond General Shop, lalu bicara dengan Raven. Setelah kamu keluar dari toko, bicara dengan beberapa orang (selain para Univir) sampai MC mengatakan cukup lalu kembali ke Karina.
* Quest #7: Help me....
Solution: Pergilah ke Apothecary, Flower Shop dan Blacksmith.
* Quest #8: Let’s Talk.
Solution: Pergilah ke General Store, lalu bicara dengan Sofia dan Raven. Pergilah ke Oddward Valley dan bicara lagi dengan Karina, pilih untuk beristirahat dan pergilah ke General Store.
* Quest # 9: I have an errand.
Solution: Pergilah ke Primera: The Eye.
* Quest #1: Help wanted.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Collette, kemudian kembali ke Marian.
* Quest #2: Practice.
Solution: Bicara dengan semua orang, kemudian kembali ke Marian.
* Quest #3: Secret Formula.
Solution: Temukan Collette di pohon, Plaza.
* Quest #4: Help me!
Solution: Pergilah ke Sol Terano: Star Dunes.
* Quest #5: I give up.
Solution: Pergilah ke Apothecary lalu lanjutkan ke Sol Terano, pergilah ke icon Marian.
* Quest #6: Let’s talk.
Solution: Pergilah ke Dragon Lake (danau dekat rumah Carmen), lalu lanjutkan ke Plaza.
* Quest #7: I need to talk.
Solution: Temui Collette, lalu bicara dengan Marian. BawakanWithered Grass ke Marian.
# Dua Quest Marian lain bisa ditemukan di Billboard. Jadi kalau Quest di Mail Box belum keluar, lakukan dulu Quest-nya di Billboard.
* Quest #1: I’m not hungry.
Solution: Bawakan masakan yang dimasak, gunakan Frying Pan untuk membuat sesuatu.
* Quest #2: I’m busy.
Solution: Jalan-jalan sekeliling kota dan Sofia akan menjelaskan semuanya. Saat dia bertanya, pilih “That’s opposite.”
* Quest #3: Not important.
Solution: Bawakan Weeds ke Sofia.
* Quest #4: It’s nothing.
Solution: Setelah event, bawakan Apel ke Sofia.
* Quest #5: It’s normal.
Solution: Tangkap 3 burung sebelum jam 2. Tekan R untuk berjalan dan menangkap burung. Bawakan satu demi satu.
* Quest #6: I’m not curious.
Solution: Bicara dengan Karina lalu Raven. Setelah itu temui Gaius di Sol Terrano: The Fossil.
* Quest #7: Don’t need help.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan beberapa perempuan sampai Sofia mengatakan cukup dan kembalilah ke rumah Sofia.
* Quest #8: It’s not much.
Solution: Pergilah ke rumah Sofia, lalu temui Raven. Kamu bisa menemukan Gaius disalah satu tempat ini:
9.00 – 12.00: Oddward Valley, satu area sebelum area boss.
13.00 – 15.00: Sol Terano: The Fossil.
Setelah 17.00: Privera Forest.
* Quest # 9: You’re Boring.
Solution: Pergilah ke Vale: Icy Rosebush lalu ke rumah Sofia, hampiri kamarnya.
# Jika Quest Sofia belum keluar, maka ajak dia ke dalam party dan bawa ke tempat favoritnya untuk memicu Quest berikutnya.
* Quest #1: Help me.
Solution: Bicara dengan Pia dan jawab pertanyaannya.
* Quest #2: Need Ingredient.
Solution: Bawakan Squid ke Pia.
* Quest #3: Member needed.
Solution: Jawab dengan It’s (MC), Rince, Rinse, Say what? dan lihat event.
* Quest #4: I need help.
Solution: Berikan Strong String ke Pia. Strong String terkadang dijatuhkan musuh laba-laba di Privera Forest.
* Quest #5: Part time work.
Solution: Bicara dengan Pia.
* Quest #6: The bath...
Solution: Berikan Fried Squid ke Pia.
* Quest #7: Our Promise.
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward: Cavern Pond.
* Quest #8: I want to talk.
Solution: Berikan Charm Blue Flower (Fall) ke Pia.
* Quest # 9: I need to tell.
Solution: Temui Pia lalu kembali ke Inn setelah 7PM.
* Quest #1: Can you help?
Solution: Bawakan Bamboo Root untuk Sakuya.
* Quest #2: Help again.
Solution: Berikan Heavy Spice ke Blaise, dan Tomato ke Marjorie.
* Quest #3: Help yet again.
Solution: Dapatkan Cheap Cloth yang dijatuhkan oleh Orc, kemudian berubahlah menjadi Wolly. Dari area pertama dungeon, ambil jalan di tengah dan lemparkan Cheap Cloth ke Sakuya.
* Quest #4: Want to show.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Marjorie, Marian lalu kembali ke Inn sebanyak 2x dan masuk kembali.
* Quest #5: Looking for.
Solution: Pergilah ke Privera: Lightway.
* Quest #6: Date.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field, Star Dunes, Rainbow Falls dan Icy Rosebush. Kembali ke Inn setelah beres.
* Quest #7: That thing.
Solution: Pilih O-Okay... Kemudian pergilah ke Oddward: Bamboo Cliffs.
* Quest #8: Teach Cooking.
Solution: Bawakan Large Egg untuk Sakuya saat dia meminta bahan masakan.
* Quest # 9: Spend a Night.
Solution: Berubahlah menjadi Wooly lalu bicara dengan Sakuya 2x. Selanjutnya berikan Woolly Furball.
* Quest #1: I’m hungry.
Solution: Berikan Rice x3 (bisa dibeli di General Shop).
* Quest #2: Bring it On!
Solution: Buatlah Rice Ball di dapur rumahmu (by hand) dan berikan ke Collette.
* Quest #3: Someone help!
Solution: Bicara dengan Marian, kemudian temukan Sherman dan Hazel untuk bicara dengan mereka. Balik lagi ke Marian untuk menyelesaikannya.
* Quest #4: Help me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Privera Forest dan masuki area yang memiliki pohon apel.
* Quest #5: Job advice.
Solution: Bicara dulu dengan Blaise, Rusk dan Marian. Kemudian temukan Collette di Flower Field.
* Quest #6: Help fix Rusk!
Solution: Temukan Rusk di atas pohon di Plaza, lalu kembali ke Collette dan kembali ke Rusk untuk membujuknya. Bicara lagi dengan Collette.
* Quest #7: Eat my Cooking.
Solution: Pergilah ke Diner.
* Quest #8:
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field bersama Collette.
* Quest # 9: Try my cooking again!
Solution: Kamu tinggal menuju ke Diner untuk melihat event.
* Quest #1: Lumber help.
Solution: Bawakan Wood x1.
* Quest #2: Weeding help.
Solution: Bawakan Red Grass x1, Yellow Grass x2 dan Orange Grass x1.
* Quest #3: Help wanted.
Solution: Bawakan Iron x1 dan Wood x1.
* Quest #4: Someone....
Solution: Temui Blaise untuk mendapatkan Dried Sardine.
* Quest #5: Want assistant.
Solution: Pergilah ke Rainbow Fall, di depan air terjun periksa semak untuk menemukan Round Stone.
* Quest #6: Want assistant.
Solution: Buatlah (atau beli) Ruby Ring.
* Quest #7: Study time.
Solution: Temukan 5 patung di Privera Forest. Patung terakhir berada tepat di sebelah kanan rumah Daria. Setelah memeriksa kelimanya, bicara dengan Daria.
* Quest #8: Rainbow Dream.
Solution: Berikan Wood x20.
* Quest # 9: Golden.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Daria.
* Quest #1: A favor.
Solution: Tangkap Masu Trout (Spring), Pike (Fall) dan Pond Smelt (Winter) di dungeon musim masing-masing.
* Quest #2: Move here.
Solution: Bicara dengan Kuruna.
* Quest #3: Desert Tour.
Solution: Pergilah ke Sol Terano: Star Dunes.
* Quest #4: Food...
Solution: Buatlah Roasted Yam. Kamu butuh Oven dan Yam (Fall).
* Quest #5: Escort me.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Wells, kemudian antarkan Kuruna pulang.
* Quest #6: Go with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field.
* Quest #7: Cookie.
Solution: Buatkan Chocolate Cookie untuk Kuruna.
* Quest #8: Strange lately.
Solution: Bicara dengan Kuruna, Ondorus lalu Kuruna lagi.
* Quest # 9: Take a walk.
Solution: Pergilah ke depan Sharance Tree, lalu ke Plaza.
* Quest #1: You better...
Solution: Pancing 2 ikan dari musim Spring dan berikan ke Carmen (Squid dan Lover Fish juga diterima).
* Quest #2: Need some help.
Solution: Setelah menerima Sashimi Knife dari Carmen, pergilah ke Gaius. Berikan pisau tersebut lalu kembali ke Carmen.
* Quest #3: Can I ask..
Solution: Jawab pertanyaan Carmen, dia menanyakan tipe perempuan idealmu. Jawab sesuai dengan kepribadian Carmen.
* Quest #4: Date!
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward Valley.
* Quest #5: About Carlos.
Solution: Kamu harus pergi ke rumah jam antara 8 PM – 11 PM.
* Quest #6: Date again.
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward Valley: Archway.
* Quest #7: I want to say.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Carmen.
* Quest #8: I wanna meet.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field bersama Carmen.
Cewek manis yang baik hati dan akrab ini adalah cucu nya Mayor di Sharance Tree, Wells. Ia bekerja di toko bunga, Fantastic Flower(rumahnya) dan sangat menyayangi adik perempuannya, Monica.
Birthday: 11 Spring.
Family: Wells, Monica.
Likes: Flower(Semua jenis), Weeds, Waterpot (segala jenis), Fertilizer.
Dislike: Withered grass.
Weapon: Watering pot
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Pickled Turnip, Iron Flower, Toyherb, Pinkcat.
Cewek yang dingin diluarnya tapi memiliki sisi hangat didalamnya yang ternyata dapat berubah menjadi burung phoenix. Ia bekerja sekaligus tinggal di Blacksmith's milik Gaius. Memiliki lidah yang tajam.
Birthday: 29 Spring.
Family: None.
Likes: Pendants(segala jenis), Crystal(segala jenis), Flower(Toyherb, Moondrop, Pinkcat, Charm Blue).
Dislike: Rocks, Scrap mental, Weeds, Withered Grass.
Weapon: Sword
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Tuna Sashimi, Omelette Rice, Ice Cream, Strawberry Milk.
Cewek yang bekerja di Blaise's dinner(rumahnya). Bersahabat baik dengan Marian sejak kecil dan sangat menyukai Rice.
Birthday: 21 Autumn
Family: Blaise, Rusk.
Likes: Rice(segala jenis), Curry Manju, Curry Udon, Ultimate Curry, Royal Curry.
Dislike: Milk
Weapon: Axe
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Egg bowl, Ultimate Curry, Milk porridge, Salmon Rice Ball.
Pemimpin dari univir-settlement. Sebelum adanya Unity festival dia sangat membenci manusia. Ia juga mempunyai peliharaan bernama Will.
Birthday: 17 Winter.
Family: None.
Likes: Cake(segala jenis), Cookie, Chocolate, Yam-dessert, Flower(terutama rare flower).
Dislike: Apa saja selain diatas.
Weapon: Wand
Makanan yang diberi jika setelah menikah: Apple pie, Chocolate cookie, Cake, Donut.
Cucu dari Marjorie. Bercita-cita menjadi seorang dokter yang hebat seperti neneknya, namun sering(selalu) gagal.
Birthday: 17 Summer
Family: Marjorie
Likes: Green Vegetable, Green Vegetable dish.
Dislike: Tomato.
Weapon: Wand
Makanan yang diberikan jika sudah menikah: Boiled Spinach, Pickles, Fried Veggies, Vegetable Juice.
Cewek imut tapi pemalas yang bekerja di toko milik ibunya. Sering tertidur di tengah pekerjaannya. Dia juga sering bertengkar dengan ibunya tapi sebenarnya sangat menyayangi ibunya.
Birthday: 4 Winter.
Family: Hazel.
Likes: Gems (Amethys, Emerald, Ruby, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Silver, Gold dsb.), accesorys (dengan permata).
Dislike: Diamond(semua yang berhubungan dengan Diamond).
Weapon: Wand
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Rice Ball, Bread.
*Note: Ia sangat jarang memberimu makanan.
Anak kesayangan Sherman yang sedikit angkuh. Ia juga berbicara seperti ayahnya, berbicara dengan berlawan arti, sering berkumpul bersama Raven dan Karina.
Birthday: 7 Autumn
Family: Sherman, Evelyn.
Likes: Rare can, super failed dish, failed dish, weeds, whitered grass, scrap mental, boots.
Dislike: Powder.
Weapon: Sword.
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Fried Egg, Stew, Hot cake, Omellette.
Cewek tomboy yang sangat menyayangi kakak laki-lakinya dan sangat menyukai mancing.
Birthday: 22 Winter
Family: Carlos.
Likes: Seafood(Pizza, Grattin, Doria), Fish, Fish dishes.
Dislike: Pumpkin, pumpkin dishes.
Weapon: Fishing Rod.
Makanan yang diberikan setelah menikah: Fried Rice, Seafood Doria, Seafood Gratin, Salted Pike.
Putri dari pemilik penginapan Miyako Inn. Sangat menyukai Sashimi dan items. Sangat mencintai uang atau bahasa lainnya sedikit mata duitan, meski begitu ia baik. Bahkan ia mau membawa dan merawat duyung yang ia temukan.
Birthday: 25 Summer
Family: Shino.
Likes: Sashimi, Items, Charm.
Dislike: Pudding, Egg(semua hal yang menyangkut ini).
Weapon: Two Handed Sword.
Makanan yang diberi setelah menikah: Failed Dish, Super failed dish, Union Stew, Glitter Sashimi.
Tinggal di dekat Privera Forest. Seorang seniman yang sangat menyukai seni. Selalu ceria dan bersemangat. Sangat menyukai pelangi.
Birthday: 24 Spring.
Family: None.
Likes: Dried Sardines, Flavored Radish, Miso eggplant, Jam, Jam Bun, Coloured Grass, Poison Rainbow Trout.
Dislike: Shrimp, Lobster, Rock.
Weapon: Hammer
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Jam Bun, Dried Sardines, Baked eggplant, Baked Miso.
Duyung yang ditemukan dan dirawat sampai sekarang oleh Sakuya dan Shino. Sangat menyukai Squid (dalam artian dimakan) dan sangat menyayangi Ikan. Ia bekerja di Paradise bath house.
Birthday: 6 summer.
Family: None.
Likes: Squid dishes, squid, fruit(segala jenis), fruit dishes, Juice.
Dislike: Fish dishes, Fish fossil.
Weapon: Two Handed Sword / Magic Cannon.
Makanan yang diberikan setelah menikah: Fried Squid, Sashimi Squid, dll(semuanya yang termasuk golongan squid).
Wali kota di Sharance tree yang sangat keras kepala dan mempunyai 2 cucu, Shara dan Monica. Ia juga sangat membenci monster.
Birthday: 19 winter.
Family: Shara, Monica.
Likes: Dumplings, Backscratcher, Fish dishes, Rice Ball, Expensive Flower.
Dislike: Chocolate cake.
Cucu dari Wells. Sangat menyayangi kakak perempuannya dan selalu berusaha menjaga kakaknya. Ia sangat pemalu dan suka mengigit orang yang menurutnya mencurigakan.
Birthday: 26 Spring.
Family: Shara, Wells.
Like: Accesories, Flower, Cherry Grass, Wolly(segalanya yang berhubungan dengan ini).
Dislike: Fish.
Weapon: Wand
Pemilik toko blacksmith's. Ia yang merawat Raven hingga sekarang dan ia adalah seorang kurcaci. Sangat menyukai pekerjaannya yang dianggapnya adalah hobi. Menyukai Evelyn.
Birthday: 12 summer.
Family: None.
Likes: Iron, Gold, Silver, Curry Udon, Bronze, Platinum.
Dislike: Sashimi
Weapon: Two Handed Sword.
Pemilik toko Diamond General Store, ia sangat pekerja keras. Sebenarnya sangat menyayangi putrinya, Karina.
Birthday: 8 Spring.
Family: Karina.
Likes: Diamond, Cake, Vegetable.
Dislike: Withered Grass, Rock, Weeds.
Weapon: Battle Axe.
Sangat suka makan dan seorang yang kaya raya. Selalu berbicara dengan arti yang berlawanan.
Birthday: 8 Summer.
Family: Sofia, Evelyn.
Likes: All dishes
Dislike: Ore 's.
Seseorang yang sangat mencintai fashion. Selalu menggunakan apa saja untuk membuat pakaian. Berlainan dengan Ayah dan Adiknya, ia berbicara dengan normal.
Birthday: 21 Spring.
Family: Sherman, Sofia.
Likes: Fish, Clothing material(semua jenis).
Dislike: Scrap mental, mushrooms.
Weapon: Wand.
Setelah menjadi penyihir yang hebat, ia juga menjaid dokter di desa Sharance. Seharusnya di usianya yang sudah tua ia tetap di sibuk 'kan oleh Marian, cucunya, dengan segala perbuatannya.
Birthday: 11 Winter.
Family: Marian.
Likes: Relax tea leaves, Relax tea, Coloured Grass.
Dislike: Cheese.
Chef yang sangat hebat di desa Sharance.
Birthday: 10 Fall
Family: Rusk, Collette.
Likes: Chocolate, Segala jenis makanan yang manis.
Dislike: Failed dish, Wine.
Weapon: Twin Swords.
Seorang pastry chef di Blaise's dinner. Ia sangat menyukai makanan manis tetapi membenci segala jenis sayuran.
Birthday: 2 Fall
Family: Blaise, Collette.
Likes: Segala jenis makanan manis.
Dislike: Vegetable.
Weapon: Wand
Ibu Sakuya yang sudah menganggap Pia seperti anaknya sendiri. Shino adalah pemilik Penginapan.
Birthday: 26 Winter.
Family: Sakuya.
Likes: Sashimi, Mushrooms.
Dislike: Fruit.
Weapon: Twin Sword
Tinggal di pinggiran pantai bersama adik perempuannya. Sangat overprotective terhadap adiknya. Sama dengan adiknya, ia juga sangat
menyukai mancing.
Birthday: 3 summer.
Family: Carmen.
Likes: Fish, Fish dishes.
Dislike: Seafood Pizza.
Weapon: Spear.
Univir settlement
Salah satu dari kelompok Univir. Sudah berteman dengan Kuruna sejak dulu. Sangat suka membaca segala jenis buku.
Birthday: 30 Summer.
Family: None.
Likes: Prelude to L ove, Juice(Segala jenis kecuali Ole).
Dislike: Materials.
Seorang kurcaci yang juga tinggal di Univir settlement. Sangat nakal dan memiliki kamar yang sangat berantakan.
Birthday: 26 Fall.
Like: Udon(Segala jenis).
Dislike: Makanan manis.
Weapon: Sword.
Hates: Squid.
Muncul secara acak di lantai 2 Inn, di kamar kanan atas. Menjual berbagai macam item secara acak.
Muncul secara acak di lantai 2 Inn, di kamar kanan bawah. Mampu mengubah nama.
Hadiah yang akan diberikan pada kita jika Friendship level mencapai 6-7:
Shara: Blue Crystal seed.
Raven: Heart pendant.
Monica: G.Crystal seed.
Wells: Ironleaf seed.
Shino: Large fleece.
Sakuya: Large fleece.
Pia: Lamp squid.
Rusk: Cheese cake.
Collette: Ultimate Curry.
Evelyn: Large Fleece.
Sherman: Grilled Lobster.
Sofia: Platinum.
Blaise: Gold Cabbage seed.
Marian: Greenifier.
Majorie: Greenifier.
Gaius: Platinum.
Hazel: Diamond.
Karina: Gold.
Carlos: Snapper.
Carmen: Snapper.
Daria: Platinum.
Zaid: Platinum.
Ondorus: Prelude to Love.
Kuruna: Cake.
Pada tanggal 1st Spring tahun selanjutnya kalian bisa mendapatkan uang dari Wells, Marjorie, Sherman, Shino, Hazel, dan Ondorus.
Wells: 10.000 G
Marjorie: 10.000 G
Sherman: 50.000 G
Shino:15.000 G
Hazel: 5.000 G
Ondorus: 5.000 G
Menikah dan Memiliki Anak
Punya Double Bed (15000 G + 80 Wood) dan Affection Lv 10 dari perempuan yang kamu suka,tunggulah sampai kamu bisa melamarnya. Tunggu 1 Bulan setelah kamu menikah, lalu bicara dengan istrimu, dia akan menanyakan jenis kelamin anakmu. Maksimal Memiliki 3 Anak
Monster Pet
Syarat : Harus sudah memiliki minimal 1 Ruang Barn (1st Barn – 40 Wood, 2nd Barn- 80 Wood,dst)
Beri monster yang kamu inginkan,sebuah item, jika dia menyukainya, dia akan memiliki lambang hati.
NB : Zaid kadang memberi tahu apa yang para monster sukai.
Cooking & Experiment
Syarat : Sudah mempunyai tempat kosong untuk ke atas
Beli di Marian dan Gaius untuk mendapat perlengkapan Forging, Pharmacy, Synthesis dan Cooking.
Legend Weapon
Rune Legend>>Forge Skill: 99ATK 293 M.ATK 200
-Dragon Tooth
-Dragon Tooth
-Fairy Dust
Kalivarn >>Forge Skill: 98ATK 468 M.ATK 128
-Dragon Tooth
-Dragon Fin
Legion >>Forge Skill: 98ATK 380 DEF 30 M.ATK 180
-Dragon Tooth
-Dragon Fin
Saint Axe >>Forge Skill: 96ATK 438 M.ATK 225 [Li] (HP Drain?)
-Battle axe
-Light Crystal
-Small Crystal
-Dragon Fin
Splash Star>>Forge Skill: 97ATK 448 M.ATK 220
-Battle Hammer
-Devil Blood
-Fairy Dust
-Dragon Fin
Magic Broom >>Forge Skill: 86ATK 174 M.ATK 340 [Wn]
-Broken Box
-Silk Cloth
-Blue Lion Fur
-Dragon Fin
Pickled Turnip
Pickled Turnip. It's refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients: Pink Turnip
Sell: 480G
Skill Level: 2
Pickled Turnip
Pickled Turnip. It's refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients: Turnip
Sell: 480G
Skill Level 3
Rice Ball
rice pressed into a triangular shape. Often pasked as lunches, as they are good on the go.
Ingredients: Rice
Sell For: 150G
HP Rec +50%
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 6
Cucumber pickled for a short period. Very popular to munch on.
Ingredients: Cucumber
Sell: 250G
HP Rec +50, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +50
Skill Level 9
Bamboo Rice
Rice Mixed with bamboo shoots. A delicious spring dish.
Ingredients: Rice and Bamboo
Sell: 200G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +2
Skill Level 10
Raisin Bread
Bread sprinkled with dried raisins. Soft with a sweet-yet-sour tang.
Ingredients: Bread, Grape
Sell: 670G
Skill Level 12
Ice Cream
A desert made from frozen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Small Milk
Sell: 420G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +65%, VIT -8, INT +6
Effect: 3 hours
Skill Level 14
Samon Rice Ball
Salted salmon surrounded by rice, then formed into a triangle.Raises chance of criticals.
Ingredients: Salted Salmon, Rice
HP Rec +75%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30, STR +14%
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 15
Fruit Sandwhich
Fruit placed between slices of bread. It's refreshing taste makes for a good snac
Ingredients: Strawberry, Orange, Apple, Bread
RP Rec + 50%, HP Max +60, RP Max +80, STR -2, INT +2
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 15
A combination of raw vegetables. Very, very nutritious.
ingredients: Boiled egg, Cucumber, Daikon Radish, Tomato, cabbage
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +100, RP Max +50, STR -4
Skill Level 16
Ice Cream
A dessert made form forzen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Medium Milk
Skill Level: 16
Veggies and other fillings placed between slices of bread. Can easily be eaten with just one hand.
Ingredients:Pink Cat, Tomato, Cuucmber, Boilded Egg, Bread
Skill Level: 18
Ice Cream
A dessert made from forzen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Skill Level: 18
Turnip Heaven
The turnips of the world, finally together. Eat all three colors at once for the best experience
Ingredients: White Turnip, Pink Turnip, Gold Turnip
Skill Level: 20
Relax Tealeaves
A combination of various medicinal herbs. Can be eaten as is, but better when made into a tea.
Ingredients: White Grass, Medicenal Herb, Green Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Yellow Grass
Skill Level:25
Squid Sashami
Slices of raw squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Squid
Skill Level: 9
Masu Trout Sashimi
Slices of raw masu trout served up for comsumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Masu Trout
Skill Level: 12
Sardine Sashimi
Slices of raw sardine served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Sardine
Skill Level: 15
Char Sashimi
Slices of raw Char served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Char
Skill Level:15
Shrimp Sashimi
Slices of raw shrimp served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Char
Skill Level: 15
Cherry Sashimi
Slices of raw cherry salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Cherry salmon
Skill Level: 17
Pike Sashimi
Slices of raw Pike served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Pike
Skill Level: 18
Poison Sashimi
Slices of raw Poison rainbow trout served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Poison Rainbow Trout
Skill Level: 21
Needlefish Sashimi
Slices of raw Needle Fish served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Needle Fish
Skill Level: 22
Girella Sashimi
Slices of raw Girella served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Girella Fish
Skill Level: 25
Salmon Sashimi
Slices of raw salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Salmon
Skill Level: 25
Skipjack Sashimi
Slices of raw skipjack served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Skipjack
Skill Level: 28
Lobster Sashimi
Slices of raw lobster served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Lobster
Skill Level: 29
Turbot Sashimi
Slices of raw turbot served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Turbot
Skill Level: 29
Flounder Sashimi
Slices of raw flounder served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Flounder
Skill Level: 31
Snapper Sashimi
Slices of raw snapper served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Snapper
Skill Level: 32
Yellowtail Sashimi
Slices of raw yellowtail served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Yellowtail
Skill Level: 35
Fall Sashimi
Slices of raw fall flounder served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Fall flounder
Skill Level: 37
Lamp Squid Sashimi
Slices of raw lamp squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Lamp Squid
Skill Level: 38
Lover Sashimi
Slices of raw Lover snapper served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Lover snapper
Skill Level:39
Taimen Sashimi
Slices of raw taimen served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Taimen
Skill Level: 40
Glitter Sashimi
Slices of raw glitter salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
Skill Level:41
Sunsquid Sashimi
Slices of raw sunsquid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Sunsquid
Skill Level: 42
Tuna Sashimi
Slices of raw tuna served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Tuna
Skill Level: 43
Blowfish Sashimi
Slices of raw blowfish served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Blowfish
Skill Level: 51
?Frying Pan
Salted Char
Char, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Char
Skill Level: 12
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved bt the masses for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Small Egg
Skill Level: 14
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved bt the masses for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 16
Fried Squid
Squid, salted. then fried. Goes well with mayonaise and mustard.
Ingredents: Squid
Skill Level: 16
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's mainly eaten at breakfast.
Ingredients: Corn, Small Milk
Skill Level: 17
Salted Masu Trout
Masu Trout, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, thetastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Masu Trout
Skill Level: 17
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved bt the masses for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Large Egg
Skill Level: 18
French Toast
Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply melting in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Small Egg
Skill Level: 19
Dried Sardines
Numerous sardines skewered, then dried. Raises chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredietns: Sardine, Sardine, Sardine
Skill Level: 20
Corn, flattene and then baked. High in nutrition, it's mainly eaten at breakfast.
Ingredients: Corn, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 20
Salted Pond Smelt
Pond Smelt, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Pond Smelt
Skill Level: 21
Often eaten at breakfast. Makes you resistant to poison, paralysis, and sleep,
Ingredients: Flour, Honet, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 22
Grilled Shrimp
Shrimp, flavored, then whole-grilled. Its crispy crunch is loved by many.
Ingredients: Shrimp
Skill Level: 22
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's mainly eaten at breakfast.
Ingredients: Corn, Large Milk
Skill Level: 23
French Fries
Peeled and sliced potatoes fried in oil. So crispy, salty, and addictive.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato
Skill Level: 23
Salted Pike
Pike, salted, then fried. Often eaten in fall. Resists seal effect.
Ingredietns: Daikon Radish, Pike
Skill Level: 23
French Toast
Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Knokwn and oved for simply melting in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 23
Salted C. Salmon
Cherry Salmon, salted then fried. Increase the chance of critical hits.
Ingredients: Cherry Salmon
Skill Level: 23
Fried Udon
The first person to fry udon is said to hace done so on a whim. Now it's widely loved.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Onion, Carrot, Cabbage
Skill Level: 24
Fried Crucian Carp
Crucian Carp, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingredients: Crucian Carp
Skill Level: 24
Fried Mackerel
Mackerel, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingredients: Mackerel
Skill Level: 24
Often eaten at breakfast. Makes you resistan to poison, paralysis, and sleep.
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Sweet Powder, Large Milk, Large Egg
Skill Level: 24
Baked Apple
A sweet treat, blending spices and the flavor of apple perfectly. Halves fire and wind damage.
Ingredients: Apple, Hot-Hot Fruit
Skill Level: 25
A meat and vegtable mix, wrapped in a thing piece of dough. Can be eiether fried or boiled.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Onion, Cabbage
Skill Level: 25
Salted P. Trout
Poison Rainbow Trout, salted, then fried. Careful! Some poison's left over!
Ingredients: Salted Posion Trout
Skill Level: 26
Fried Needlefish
Needlefish, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Needlefish
Skill Level: 27
French Toast
Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply melting in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Large Egg
Skill Level: 27
Salted Chub
Chub, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingredients: Chub
Skill Level: 27
Corn kernels heated until they pop. Generally eaten salted, but sugar or even caramel will also work.
Ingredients: Corn
Skill Level: 27
Cabbage Cakes
Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region has its own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Small Egg
Skill Level: 28
Cabbage Cakes
Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region has its own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Cabbage, Cabbage, Large Eggs
Skill Level: 29
Salted Salmon
Salomon, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when coooked.
Ingredients: Salmon
Skill Level: 30
Fried Eggs
The defenitive home-cooked egg dish. makes you a but resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level: 30
Cabbage Cakes
Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region has its own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Large Egg
Skill Level; 30
Fried Veggies
Various vegetables mixed and fried together. Easier to eat than when raw.
Ingredients; Carrot, Oil, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Onion
Skill Level: 31
Salted Taimen
Taimen, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingreidients: Taimen
Skill Level: 31
A standard, plain omelet. makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Small Milk. Small Egg
Skill Level: 32
Fried Skipjack
Skipjack, lightly fried on one side. Halves all incoming wind damage.
Ingredients: Skipjack
Skill Level: 33
Fried Eggs
The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingridients: Large Egg
Skill Level: 33
Fried Gibelio
Gibelio, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingreidients: Gibelio
Skill Level: 34
Fried Turbot
Turbo, salted, then fried. Slightly increases the chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Turbot
Skill Level: 34
Miso Eggplant
Miso added to a roasted eggplant. Has a mellow, distinguished taste.
Ingredients: Eggplant
Skill Level: 34
Grilled Lobster
Lobster, flavored, then whole-grilled. A gorgeous dish, it looks like a feast simply by itself.
Ingredients: Lobster
Skill Level; 34
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critcal hits.
Ingredients: Medium Milk, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 34
Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked. Resistan to seal and sleepiness.
Ingredients; Oil, Flour, Butter, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 35
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Large Milk, Large Egg
Skill Level: 36
Fried Flounder
Flounder, salted, then fried. Slightly increases chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Flounder
Skill Level: 36
Fried Eggs
The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level: 36
Fried S. Flounder
Sand flounder, salted, then fried. Halves fire and earth elemental damage.
Ingredients: Sand Flounder
Skill Level: 36
Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked. Resistant to seal and sleepiness.
Ingredients: Oil, Butter, Large Egg, Flour
Skill Level: 37
Fried Rice
Rice and egg fried together in oil. Makes you a bit resistant to being knocked away.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 37
Frie Snapper
Snapper, salted, then fried. Raises chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Snapper
Skill Level: 37
Omelet Rice
Chicken and rice wrapped in an omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Omelet, Rice, Ketchup
Skill Level: 39
Rice and sauce in wonderful harmony. Halves all types of damage.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Onion, Tomato, Toyherb
Skill Level: 39
Fried Rice
Rice and egg fried together in oil. Makes you a bit resistant to being knocked away.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Large Egg
Skill Level: 39
Dry Curry
Unlike regular curry, made without a sauce. Makes you vulnerable to all type damages.
Ingredients: Oil, Curry Powder, Rice, Carrot, Green Pepper, Onion
Skill Level: 40
Fried Yellowtail
Yellwotail, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish, Yellowtail
Skill Level: 40
Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
Ingredients: Oil, Shrimp, Onion, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 40
Fried Girella
Ginella, salted, then fried. You'll be a little harder to knock away.
Ingredients: Girella
Skill Level: 41
Curry Bread
Baked bread with curry in the center. Makes you vulnerable to all type damages.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Dry Curry
Skill Level: 42
Fried F. Flounder
Fall Flounder, salted then fried. Slightly increases chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Fall Flounder, Daikon Radish
Skill Level: 42
Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Shrimp, Large Egg
Skill Level: 42
Fried Lamp Squid
Lamp Squid. A little bitter after being fried, but still popular with real gourmet connoisseurs.
Ingredients: Lamp Squid, Lamp Grass
Skill Level: 43
Fried L. Snapper
Lover snapper, salted, then fried. Resists critical hits.
Ingredients: Lover Snapper
Skill Level: 44
Fried G. Snapper
Glitter Snapper, salted, then fried. Greatly reduces light damage.
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
Skill Level: 46
Fried Sunsquid
Sunsquid, salted, then fried. The fresher the quid, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Sunsquid
Skill Level: 47
Tuna Teriyki
Fried tuna with sweet sauce added. Basting dureing cooking is key.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish, Tuna
Skill Level: 48
Fried Blowfish
Fried blowfish. Makes you fairly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Blowfish, Antidote Herb, Antidote Herb
Skill Level: 56
Medium Mayonaise
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from vegetables to fish.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level: 5
Medium Yogurt
Made from processing milk. Settles and smoothes the workings of the stomach..
Ingredienets: White Grass, Small Milk
Skill Level: 6
Apple Juice
Fresh apple juice. Allows the natural taste, color, and flavor of apples to be completely enjoyed.
Ingredients: Apple
Skill Level: 8
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in recipes.
Ingredients: Small Milk
Skill Level: 9
Medium Mayonaise
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from vegetables to fish.
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Skill Level: 10
Medium Yogurt
Made from processing milk. Settles and smoothes the workings of the stomach.
Ingredients: White Grass, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 10
Orange Juice
Fresh oranges squeezed dry to make juice. Behind the crisp acidity lies the perfect sweetness.
Ingrdients: Orange
Skill Level; 11
Pineapple Juice
Juice freshly squeezed from fresh pineapples. Has a beautiful color, fragrance and sweet, sweet taste.
Ingredients: Pineapple
Skill Level: 13
Vegtable Juice
Juice packed with highy nutricious vegetables. Addicting, even though it's not bitter and not so tasty.
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Pink Turnip, Carrot, Spinach
Skill Level: 14
Vegtable Ole
Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people actually like its unique flavor.
Ingredients: Vegtable Juice, Small Milk
Skill Level; 15
Medium Mayonaise
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from vegetables to fish.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level; 15
Strawberry Milk
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Small Milk
Skill Level; 15
Grape Juice
Fresh grape juice. Very sweet, with a strong, enticing aroma.
Ingredients: Grape
Skill Level: 15
Fruit Juice
A micture of fruit juices. Twice the flovor, twice the nutrition, four times the enjoyment.
Ingredients: Pineapple, Apple, Grape, Orange
Skill Level: 16
Vegtable Ole
Vegetables mixed with milk to take off it bitterness. Some people actually like this unique flavor.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 16
Strawberry Milk
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
Vegtable Ole
Vegetable mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people actually like this unique flavor.
Ingredients: Vegtable Juice, Large Milk
Skill Level: 17
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in recipies.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Skill Level; 18
Fruit Ole
Fruit and milk combined in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal status.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Small Milk
Skill Level: 18
Tomato Juice
Juice packed with the rich nutrients from tomatoes. Cures fatigue.
Ingredients: Tomato
Skill Level; 18
Hot Juice
A drink made from Hot-Hot Fruits. Never gets cold. Halves fire damage.
Ingredients: Hot-Hot Fruit, Red Grass, Heavy Spice
Skill Level: 19
Strawberry Milk
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients; Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
Skill Level: 19
Fruit Ole
Fruit and milk combine in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal status.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 19
Fruit Ole
Fruit and milk combine in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal status.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Large Milk
Skill Level: 20
Medium Cheese
Made from proccessing milk. Has a distinctive flavor. Can be eaten as is, or used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Small Milk, Yellow Grass
Skill Level; 20
Medium Yogurt
Made from proccessing milk. Settles and smoothes the workings of the stomach.
Ingredients: White Grass, Large Milk
Skill Level; 20
Mixed Juice
A moxture of vegetable juices. Maks you slightly resistant to status ailments.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Fruit Juice
Skill Level: 22
A condiment made form tomatoes. Goes well with eggs, potatos, and hamburgers!
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Skill Level: 23
Prelude to Lovr
Its sweet-yet-sour rush hits you like Cupid's arrow. Halves all types of damage.
Ingredients; Pink Melon, Strawberry
Skill Level; 24
Medium Cheese
Made from proccessing milk. Has a distinctive flavor. Can be eaten as is, or used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 25
Churned mlik. Unikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in recipies.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Skill Level: 27
Mixed Ole
Fruit, Veggies, and milk all mixed together. Cures fatigue and resists status effects.
Ingredients; Fruit Ole, Vegetable Ole
Skill Level: 28
Medium Cheese
Made from proccessing milk. Has a distinctive flavor. Can be eaten as is, or used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Large Milk
Skill Level: 30
Gold Juice
A blend of golden things found across the world. To be honest, not very pleasent to drink.
Ingredients: Gold Pumpkin, Gold Emery Flower, Gold Potato, Gold Turnip, Gold Cabbage
Skill Level: 32
Hot Milk
The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Small Milk
Skill Level: 5
Hot Milk
The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Medium Milk
Skill Level: 7
Hot Milk
The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients; Large Milk
Skill Level: 9
Hot Choclate
Choclate added to warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Choclate
Skill Level: 12
Boiled Egg
Simple dish using eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level: 13
Boiled Spinach
Spinach, boiled, then flavored. Boil it for too long, though, and it'll be completely bland.
Ingredients: Spinach
Skill Level: 14
Boiled Egg
Simple dish using eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Skill Level: 14
Boiled Egg
Simple dish using eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level: 14
Grape Liqeur
A combination of wine and grapes cooked in a pot. Easier to land criticals after drinking.
Ingredients: Grape, Charm Blue, Purple Grass, Wine
Skill Level; 18
Apple Jam
A sweet preserve made from apples. Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
Ingredients: Apple x3
Skill Level: 23
A sweet oraange preserve made from oranges. The peels are also grated up and included.
Ingredients; Orange x3
Skill Level: 24
Strawberry Jam
A sweet preserve made from strawberries. Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
Ingredients; Strawberry x3
Skill Level: 25
Boiled Gyoza
Gyozas with thicker dough used to allow boiling. Has a moist, refined taste.
Ingredients: Flour, Spinach, Cabbage
Skill Level: 26
Grape Jam
A sweet preserve made from grapes. Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
Ingredients: Grape x3
Skill Level: 27
Thick, wide noodles. Slippery to pick up, but go down easily.
Ingredients: Pink Turnip, Flour, Carrot, Mixed Herbs
Skill Level: 29
Egg Bowl
A flavored egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or salty, dependin on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Small Egg
Skill Level: 32
Rice Porridge
Rice boiled in water, softening it. Cures fatigue and cold, resistant to fatigue.
Ingredients: Rice, Mixed Herbs, Hot-Hot Fruit
Skill Level: 33
Curry Udon
A combination of udon and curry. Udon generally goes well with grains, but this combination works too.
Ingredients: Flour, Curry Powder, Pink Turnip, Carrot
Skill Level: 33
Tempura Bowl
Tempura and sauce on top of a bowl of rice. The combination of the three creates a great taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Tempura, Sour Drop
Skill Level: 34
Boiled Pumpkin
Flavored pumpkin boiled in a pot, creating a hot, sweet pumpkin dish.
Ingredients: Pumpkin
Skill Level: 35
Egg Bowl
A flavored egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or salty, dependin on your own taste.
Ingredients: Medium Egg, Rice, Onion
Skill Level; 35
Flavored Radish
Daikon radish boiled, then flavored. Easily digested and gentle on the stomach.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish
Skill Level: 36
Tempura Udon
Udonb with tempura on top. The debate to eiether keep the temputa crisp or let it soak rages even today.
Ingredients; Udon, Sour Drop, Tempura
Skill Level: 37
Egg Bowl
A flavored egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or salty, dependin on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Large Egg
Skill Level: 38
Glazed Yam
Fried yam glazed with sweet honey. Fun to eat, and a very popular snack.
Ingredients: Yam, Sweet Powder
Skill Level: 39
Rockfish Stew
Stewed until the meat falls off. Cures paralysis, halves fire and earth damage.
Ingredients: Rockfish, White Cabbage
Skill Level: 41
Milk Porridge
Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises resistance.
Ingredients; Rice, Small Milk
Skill Level: 42
Milk Porridge
Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises resistance.
Ingredients: Rice, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 44
Milk Porridge
Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises resistance.
Ingredients: Rice, Large Milk
Skill Level: 46
Cheese Fondue
A hefty amount of cheese melted in a pot. Eaten with bread.
Ingredients; Bread, Cheese x4
Skill Level; 47
Curry Rice
A mealtime staple -- so much so that there isn't anyone who hasn't had it. Halves fire damage.
Ingredients: Rice, Carrot, Curry Powder, Red Grass, Heavy Spice
Skill Level: 55
Union Stew
A pot filled with a bit of everything. Cooked at the table...and all must fight over portions.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish, Leek, White Cabbage x2, Hot-Hot Fruit
Skill Level: 58
Milk and vegetables boiled together. Halves water, earth, wind, and light damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Potato, Carrrot Onion, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 58
Relax Tea
A tea infused with a variety of herbs. Cures all but colds, and raises resistance.
Ingredients: Relax Tealeaves, Houney, Pink Melon, Leek
Skill Level: 64
Milk and vegetables boiled together. Halves water, earth, wind, and light damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Potato, Carrrot Onion, Large Milk
Skill Level: 64
Ultimate Curry
The product of years of seeking the ultimate curry. Halves fire damage.
Ingredients; Wine, Curry Powder, Heavy Spice, Devil Blood, Insect Skin
Skill Level; 70
Royal Curry
A curry loved by nobles. Requires a top chef to prepare. Greatly redueces fire damage.
Ingredients: Magic Powder, Apple, Honey, Curry Powder, Mixed Spices x2
Skill Level: 85
Small Balls of sweet rice paste on skewers. Cures poison and highly resists critical hits.
Ingredients: Dumpling Powder
Skill Level: 11
Plain Manju
Ingredients wrapped in a soft, plump skin and steamed. Resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Mixed Spices
Skill Level: 30
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level; 31
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Skill Level: 33
Steamed Bread
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Small Egg
Skill Level: 33
Curry Manju
A curry-filled manju. Ressits all status effects but amkes you vulnerable to elemental damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Carrot, Curry Powder, Bamboo Shoot
Skill Level: 34
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level; 35
Steamed Bread
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 36
Steamed Bread
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey,Large Egg
Skill Level: 39
Stamed Cake
A light, fluffy caked. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Small Milk
Skill Level: 41
Steamed Cake
A light, fluffy caked. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 42
Steamed Cake
A light, fluffy caked. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Large Milk
Skill Level: 43
Pumpkin Pudding
Pudding with the added sweetness and freagrance of pumpkin. Makes you resist all stat effrects.
Ingredients: Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 44
Cheese Bread
Streamed bread baked with cheese. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Honet, Cheese
Skill Level: 45
Steamed Gyoza
Gyoza, cooked the standard way. makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Oil, Onion, Cabbage
Skill Level: 45
Pumpkin Pudding
Pudding with the added sweetness and freagrance of pumpkin. Makes you resist all stat effrects.
Ingredients: Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Large Egg
Skill Level: 48
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Small Egg
Skill Level: 48
Meat Dumpling
A popular snack. Resists seal and other status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Cabbage, Green Grass, Shrimp, Onion
Skill Level: 49
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 51
Pound Cake
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Large Egg
Skill Level; 54
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Small Milk
Skill Level: 12
Beautifully browned bread. Fights daily with cereal for the title of "King of Breakfast."
Ingredients: Bread
Skill Level: 14
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 15
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Large Milk
Skill Level: 18
Baked Rice Ball
A rice ball that has been baked. Its vrispy crunch just can't be beat.
Ingredients: Rice Ball
Skill Level: 22
Chocolate Cookie
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Covered in plenty of choclate, its sweet yet bitter taste is addictive.
Ingredients: Chocalte, Cookie, Butter
Skill Level: 22
Roasted Yam
A slow-roasted yam. Prevalent in the fall, often baked int eh flames of a campfire.
Ingredients: Yam
Skill Level: 24
Corn on the Cob
Fragrantly roasted corn. Sweet and juicy.
Ingredients: Corn, Butter
Skill Level: 20
Jam Roll
Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack.
Ingredients: Butter Roll, Marmalade
Skill Level: 32
Jam Roll
Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack.
Ingredients: Butter Roll, Grape Jam
Skill Level: 32
Jam Roll
Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack.
Ingredients: Butter Roll, Apple Jam
Skill Level: 32
Butter Roll
Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as "table rolls", they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Small Egg, Small Milk
Skill Level: 36
Apple Pie
A bounty of apples baked in a pie crust. Cures fatigue.
Ingredients: Flour, Apple x2, Honey, Butter
Skill Level: 36
Butter Roll
Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as "table rolls", they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Medium Egg, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 38
Butter Roll
Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as "table rolls", they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Large Egg, Large Milk
Skill Level; 40
Yam Dessert
Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into molds and baked.
Ingredients: Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 44
Various toppings placed t on round dough, then baked. There are literally unlimited variations.
Ingredients: Ketcup, Eggplant, Flour, Onion, Cheese x2
Skill Level: 44
Yam Dessert
Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into molds and baked.
Ingredients: Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
Skill Level: 48
Seafood Pizza
A pizza topped with shrimp and squid. Looks fantastic, and smells great, too.
Ingredients: Ketcup, Squid, Flour, Shrimp, Cheese x2
Skill Level: 46
Sauce and cheese mixed and baked in a dish. Slightly increases chance of criticals.
Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Orange Grass, Cheese x2
Skill Level: 51
Rice topped with a homemade sauce, then baked until crispy.
Ingredients; Butter, Cucumber, Rice, Onion, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 51
Seafood Gratin
Gratin containing the best of the sea. Raises chance of critical hits.
Ingredients: Onion, Shrimp, Flour, Squid, Cheese
Skill Level: 53
Rice topped with a homemade sauce, then baked until crispy.
Ingredients; Butter, Cucumber, Rice, Onion, Large Milk
Skill Level: 53
Seafood Doria
Doria that conatins the best of the sea. Packed with seafood and rice, so it's sure to fill you up.
Ingredients: Butter x2, Shrimp, Squid, Rice, Cheese
Skill Level: 58
Your basic, standar-issue cake. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour, Strawberry, Butter, Pink Cat, Mdeium Milk
Skill Level: 59
Your basic, standar-issue cake. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour, Strawberry, Butter, Pink Cat, Large Milk
Skill Level: 60
Chocolate Cake
Cake covered in chocolate. Cures all but colds, but amkes you sleepy.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 62
Choclate Cake
Cake covered in chocolate. Cures all but colds, but amkes you sleepy.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Large Milk
Skill Level: 64
Cheese Cake
A cheese-flavored baked sweet. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour x2, Cheese, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 68
Cheese Cake
A cheese-flavored baked sweet. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour x2, Cheese, Large Egg
Skill Level: 72
Main Quest
Event,lalu ikuti Raven masuk ke Sharance Tree,Ikuti Tutorial dari Shara,lalu saat melawan 2 monster pilihan ke 1 akan membawamu ke Normal Mode,dan ke 2 Hard Mode. Selesai dengan itu,keluar dan pergi kea rah rumah shara,(Di tengah).Ikuti Tutorial Quest darinya.
Ikuti Quest dari nya lalu kamu harus berbicara dengan semua penduduk (ada Event bukan berarti sudah berbicara),total ada 22 orang ya ng harus ditemui dan kembalilah ke shara.
Bicara dengan para penduduk yang berbicara tentang Racoon,Lalu pergilah ke Primera Forest.Temukan 2 Buah Patung di sisi Utara ujung dan selatan Ujung (Total 4 Patung),ubah ke 4 patung agar menghadap ke tengah peta.
Setalh itu,masuki ke 2 sisi pintu rahasia yang baru terbuka,bicara ke Daria yang akan membuatkan mu jembatan,masuk lagi ke jalan rahasia,SAVE,dan Lawanlah Boss pertamamu\
Hajar sambil menghindari serangannya,setelah menjadi besar serang terus sampai akhirnya dia mati. Ambil 1ST ORB dan kamu sekarang bisa berubah menjadi Wooly
NB : Minimal LV 5 untuk normal mode dan LV 10 untuk Hard Mode
Jika Level mu sudah diatas 20,masuki Sol Terano dan masuki sisi paling kiri peta,ada desa dimana hanya bisa dimasuki Monster. Setelah itu bicara dengan semua orang disitu tertutama Kuruna,bicara dengan wells,lalu ke kuruna lagi,sekarang kamu akan mencari barang yang diminta Kuruna bersama Zaid.
Pergi ke sisi Tenggara dari peta,kalahkan semua musuh,dan ambil Dragon Bones,beri ke Kuruna dan bicara dengannya ke esokan harinya,Sekarang pergilah ke sisi Barat Daya dari peta,kalahkan semua musuh dan ambil Flower Cactus,lalu pergi lagi ke Univir Vilage,kamu bisa melawan Boss dengan Zaid (Dengan Syarat,harus melawan dengan wujud wooly) atau tidak,apapun pilihanmu,masuki jalan yang baru terbuka!
Serang dia sambil hindari serangannya,setelah tulang-tulang nya hancur,serang kotak ungu yang ada,jika ia mengeluarkan laser,segeralah menghindar….Lakukan ber ulang-ulang sampai kamu menang
Setelah menang,ambil 2ND ORB, dan kamu mengetahui beberapa hal yang hilang dari ingatanmu..
Pergilah ke depan Sharance Tree,dan kamu akan bertemu Sakuya,susul ia di Inn.Lalu Pergilah ke Oddward Valley untuk event pendek di tiap area (Khusus Hari Hujan,Tidak akan ada suara dan kamu harus menunggu sampai tidak hujan),Begitu sampai di SavePoint,SAVE ! Ambil Super Failed Dish lalu bicaralah ke sakuya
Bicara dengan blaise 2x di Diner,pastikan kamu punya Frying Pan,Tangkap Char,Jika Kamu musim Summer kamu bisa menangkap nya di laut (Jika tidak,Bisa kamu tangkap di Sol Terano),Buat lah Salted Char,lalu bicara dengan Carmen di Oddward Valley,pergilah ke tempat SavePoint oddward Valley,di perjalanan kamu akan dijebak 2x,lalu saat SavePoint,SAVE!!! Lalu kamu akan melawan Boss ke 3
NB : Minimal Lv 25 ke atas
Gunakan Senjata Non-Elemen karena mereka Menyerap kekuatan nya. Seranglah saat mereka berdekatan agar mudah dikalahkan,Si Biru mengutamakan Magic,sedangkan Si Merah dengan Fisik. Seranglah si biru dahulu karena dia dapat menyembuhkan diri sendiri. Ambil 3RD ORB dan kamu akan mengetahui ke 3 nama boss yang kamu lawan
Pergilah Ke Vale River,Pergilah ke Sisi Timur Laut,Gunakan Lily Pad(Bisa dibeli di Shara),Kadang kamu perlu mengalahkan semua musuh dahulu,di akhir,SAVE dan lawanlah BOSS ke 4
Lakukan Taktik Hit & Run,Saat dia mau menyerang langsung menyingkir agar tidak terkena banyak damage, Saat HP mu Setengah ,penuhi lagi, kalau-kalau kamu terkena banyak Damage. Setelah ia Mati,ambil 4TH ORB, kamu akan mengetahui nama BOSS ke 4
Kembali Ke Sharance Tree, Bicara dengan Wells,lalu dengan Ondorous,lalu ddengan Wells,Ondorous,Kuruna,Ondorous lagi.Ke rumah,dan Shara akan mengusulkan tentang Bouquet .Lalu Tanam ToyHerb, PinkCat, MoonDrop dan Charm BlueFlower.Tanam di Dungeon yang Sesuai.
Temui Gaius untuk membuat Brooch (Silverx3,Platinumx2,emerald,dan butuh 1 hari) dan Evelyn untuk Ribbon,Berikan semua ke Shara,dan tunggu 1 hari setelah itu, bicara lah pada Shara untuk mendapat Flower Bouquet. Beri ke Kuruna, Bicara dengan wells Tunggu sampai Unity Festival, Setelah Puas,bicara dengan Kuruna untuk mengakhiri hari.
NB : Kamu Harus memberi tahu ID rahasia mu ke salah satuBacholerretes,bicara dengan Wells terus untuk mengaktifkan Quest ini.
Marjorie & Wells akan memberimu Engagement Recipe,Kamu Bisa melamar perempuan idaman mu dengan mengajaknya ke tempat kencan favoritnya (Tekan L+R saat dia senggang) Saat berada di tempat kencan favoritnya, kalau kamu sudah menyelesaikan semua quest dan punya Engagement Ring, Maka ia akan menerima lamaranmu.
Esoknya,bicara dengan Carmen/Carlos,lalu hampiri pinggiran danau,gunakan Lily Pad untuk menuju ke bangunan yang ada,Temui wells,Marjorie kemudia Ondorous dan kembali ke bangunan tadi (Dragon Cave).Pastikan kamu punya Pink Turnip x4,Cucumber x4,spinach x6,dan turnip x4,Hanya ada 1 Save Point, Lalu lawan Final Boss
Dia terbang-terbang di sekitarmu sambil menyerangmu,Hindari lalu Hajar boss sambil bergerak, Hindari Gelembung Sleep dan serangan lainnya sambil menyerang. Makin lama serangannya makin kuat dan Def nya makin kuat,Serang dengan senjata Non elemen sampai dia berbicara,maju dan serang untuk mengakhiri pertarungan.
The End
Dungeon : Primera Forest
Fish : Masu Trout, Gibelio, Needlefish, Lover Snapper, Cherry Salmon, Squid, Lamp Squid.
Mineral : Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Earth Crystal, Amethyst.
Vegetable: Pink Turnip, Cabbage, Strawberry, Onion, Pink Melon.
Flower: Grass, Moondrop, Toyherb, Cherry Grass, Lamp Grass, Blue Crystal, Emery, .
Fruit: Apple
Dungeon: Sol Terano
Fish: Sardine, Char, Chub, Turbot, Sunsquid, Shrimp, Crucian Carp, Lobster, Lover Snapper, Squid.
Mineral: Scrap Metal, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Emerald, Ruby, Fire Crystal
Vegetable: Cucumber, Tomato, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant.
Flower: Fireflower, Pink Cat, Ironleaf, Clover, G.Crystal,
Fruit: Orange.
Dungeon: Oddward Valley
Fish: Skipjack, Salmon, Squid, Mackerel, Pike, Snapper, Fall Flounder, Lover Snapper.
Mineral: Scrap Metal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Aquamarine, Wind Crystal.
Plant: Potato, Carrot, Yam, Spinach, Green Pepper.
Flower: Charm Blue, Autumn Grass, Pom-Pom G., Red Crystal
Fruit: Grape.
Dungeon: Vale River
Fish: Tuna, Flounder, Glitter Snapper, Poison Rainbow Trout, Blowfish, Yellowtail, Girella, Taimen, Squid, Lover Snapper, Pond Smelt.
Mineral: Scrap Metal, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Water Crystal, Sapphire.
Vegetable: Turnip, Leek, Daikon, White Cabbage, Hot-Hot F.Seed.
Flower: W.Crystal, Noel.
Quest dari Para HEROINE
Quest untuk Heroine biasanya ditemukan melalui kotak pos di depan pintu menuju rumahmu. Kamu hanya bisa melakukan 1 Quest, tidak peduli Quest dari mana pun, per hari. Kamu baru bisa mengambil Quest lain setelah kamu menyelesaikan atau membatalkan Quest sebelumnya. Untuk membuka Quest berikutnya, kamu harus memiliki tingkat Affection tertentu, menyelesaikan Quest karakter lain atau mengajaknya kencan terlebih dulu. Untuk memulai Quest, kamu harus menemui klienmu terlebih dulu.
* Quest #1: My First Request.
Solution: Bicara dengan SEMUA penduduk kota, kemudian kembali ke Shara. Balik ke rumahmu, masukkan barang apa pun ke dalam Shipping Bin dan lapor ke Shara.
* Quest #2: Come with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field di sisi sebelah kiri rumah Daria.
* Quest #3: I need your help.
Solution: Setelah menerima permintaan Shara, berubahlah menjadi Wooly. Kembali menjadi manusia sebelum menemui Shara lagi.
* Quest #4: My Waterpot...
Solution: Shara akan meminta Waterpot, kamu bisa memberikannya uang agar dia membeli lagi. Namun kamu tidak akan mendapat apa-apa, jadi sebaiknya kamu membuat (atau membeli dari Gaius / Raven) Waterpot baru. Makin tinggi tingkatannya, makin baik hadiahnya.
* Quest #5: I need your advice.
Solution: Cukup bicara dengan Shara.
* Quest #6: Thank you, Your Highness.
Solution: Selesaikan dulu Quest Monica, kemudian bicara dengan Monica dan Shara.
* Quest #7: Can we talk?
Solution: Temui Shara untuk bicara dengannya, kemudian kembalilah ke rumahmu.
* Quest #8: Come with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field untuk bicara dengan Shara.
* Quest # 9: Please help.
Solution: Temui Shara dirumahnya, lalu ke Flower Field. Berubah agar kamu bisa berbicara dengan Wooly yang ada, kemudian kembali ke Shara dan lalu susul dia ke Flower Field.
* Quest #1: Bring me.
Solution: Selesai event, catat harga tiap barang dan layani para pembeli yang datang. Berikan harga yang benar.
* Quest #2: Come here.
Solution: Temui Sofia, kemudian kembali ke Raven.
* Quest #3: Let’s talk.
Solution: Pergilah ke Vale: Icy Rosebush.
* Quest #4: ...............
Solution: Berikan item Skull ke Raven. Skull terkadang dijatuhkan musuh di daerah Sol Terano.
* Quest #5: Help.
Solution: Pergilah ke Sol Terrano: The Fossil.
* Quest #6: Come with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward: Windy Hill.
* Quest #7: It’s important.
Solution: Pergilah ke Blacksmith, lalu temui Karina dan lanjutkan ke Vale: Icy Rosebush.
* Quest #8: Thank you.
Solution: Siapkan Failed Dish, Amethyst Ring dan Gold. Berikan Failed Dish ke Sofia, Amethyst Ring ke Karina dan Gold ke Gaius.
* Quest # 9: I want to say.
Solution: Pergilah ke Vale: Entrance, kemudian susul Raven.
* Quest #1: Bring Me...
Solution: Bicara dengan Sofia untuk menerima Strange Pendant dan berikan ke Karina.
* Quest #2: Come with me.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Evelyn, kemudian kembali ke Karina.
* Quest #3: I need to talk.
Solution: Jawab semua pertanyaan Karina, dan bawakan item yang dia minta.
* Quest #4: Take Me somewhere.
Solution: Pergilah ke Privera Forest: The Eye. Saat berhenti, hancurkan semua Ore lalu bicara lagi dengan Karina. Ambil apel dan berikan ke Karina.
* Quest #5: I want a cold.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Marian, kemudian berikan Yellow Grass, Purple Grass, Grape dan Rice ke Marian.
* Quest #6: Gather up!
Solution: Pergilah ke Diamond General Shop, lalu bicara dengan Raven. Setelah kamu keluar dari toko, bicara dengan beberapa orang (selain para Univir) sampai MC mengatakan cukup lalu kembali ke Karina.
* Quest #7: Help me....
Solution: Pergilah ke Apothecary, Flower Shop dan Blacksmith.
* Quest #8: Let’s Talk.
Solution: Pergilah ke General Store, lalu bicara dengan Sofia dan Raven. Pergilah ke Oddward Valley dan bicara lagi dengan Karina, pilih untuk beristirahat dan pergilah ke General Store.
* Quest # 9: I have an errand.
Solution: Pergilah ke Primera: The Eye.
* Quest #1: Help wanted.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Collette, kemudian kembali ke Marian.
* Quest #2: Practice.
Solution: Bicara dengan semua orang, kemudian kembali ke Marian.
* Quest #3: Secret Formula.
Solution: Temukan Collette di pohon, Plaza.
* Quest #4: Help me!
Solution: Pergilah ke Sol Terano: Star Dunes.
* Quest #5: I give up.
Solution: Pergilah ke Apothecary lalu lanjutkan ke Sol Terano, pergilah ke icon Marian.
* Quest #6: Let’s talk.
Solution: Pergilah ke Dragon Lake (danau dekat rumah Carmen), lalu lanjutkan ke Plaza.
* Quest #7: I need to talk.
Solution: Temui Collette, lalu bicara dengan Marian. BawakanWithered Grass ke Marian.
# Dua Quest Marian lain bisa ditemukan di Billboard. Jadi kalau Quest di Mail Box belum keluar, lakukan dulu Quest-nya di Billboard.
* Quest #1: I’m not hungry.
Solution: Bawakan masakan yang dimasak, gunakan Frying Pan untuk membuat sesuatu.
* Quest #2: I’m busy.
Solution: Jalan-jalan sekeliling kota dan Sofia akan menjelaskan semuanya. Saat dia bertanya, pilih “That’s opposite.”
* Quest #3: Not important.
Solution: Bawakan Weeds ke Sofia.
* Quest #4: It’s nothing.
Solution: Setelah event, bawakan Apel ke Sofia.
* Quest #5: It’s normal.
Solution: Tangkap 3 burung sebelum jam 2. Tekan R untuk berjalan dan menangkap burung. Bawakan satu demi satu.
* Quest #6: I’m not curious.
Solution: Bicara dengan Karina lalu Raven. Setelah itu temui Gaius di Sol Terrano: The Fossil.
* Quest #7: Don’t need help.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan beberapa perempuan sampai Sofia mengatakan cukup dan kembalilah ke rumah Sofia.
* Quest #8: It’s not much.
Solution: Pergilah ke rumah Sofia, lalu temui Raven. Kamu bisa menemukan Gaius disalah satu tempat ini:
9.00 – 12.00: Oddward Valley, satu area sebelum area boss.
13.00 – 15.00: Sol Terano: The Fossil.
Setelah 17.00: Privera Forest.
* Quest # 9: You’re Boring.
Solution: Pergilah ke Vale: Icy Rosebush lalu ke rumah Sofia, hampiri kamarnya.
# Jika Quest Sofia belum keluar, maka ajak dia ke dalam party dan bawa ke tempat favoritnya untuk memicu Quest berikutnya.
* Quest #1: Help me.
Solution: Bicara dengan Pia dan jawab pertanyaannya.
* Quest #2: Need Ingredient.
Solution: Bawakan Squid ke Pia.
* Quest #3: Member needed.
Solution: Jawab dengan It’s (MC), Rince, Rinse, Say what? dan lihat event.
* Quest #4: I need help.
Solution: Berikan Strong String ke Pia. Strong String terkadang dijatuhkan musuh laba-laba di Privera Forest.
* Quest #5: Part time work.
Solution: Bicara dengan Pia.
* Quest #6: The bath...
Solution: Berikan Fried Squid ke Pia.
* Quest #7: Our Promise.
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward: Cavern Pond.
* Quest #8: I want to talk.
Solution: Berikan Charm Blue Flower (Fall) ke Pia.
* Quest # 9: I need to tell.
Solution: Temui Pia lalu kembali ke Inn setelah 7PM.
* Quest #1: Can you help?
Solution: Bawakan Bamboo Root untuk Sakuya.
* Quest #2: Help again.
Solution: Berikan Heavy Spice ke Blaise, dan Tomato ke Marjorie.
* Quest #3: Help yet again.
Solution: Dapatkan Cheap Cloth yang dijatuhkan oleh Orc, kemudian berubahlah menjadi Wolly. Dari area pertama dungeon, ambil jalan di tengah dan lemparkan Cheap Cloth ke Sakuya.
* Quest #4: Want to show.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Marjorie, Marian lalu kembali ke Inn sebanyak 2x dan masuk kembali.
* Quest #5: Looking for.
Solution: Pergilah ke Privera: Lightway.
* Quest #6: Date.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field, Star Dunes, Rainbow Falls dan Icy Rosebush. Kembali ke Inn setelah beres.
* Quest #7: That thing.
Solution: Pilih O-Okay... Kemudian pergilah ke Oddward: Bamboo Cliffs.
* Quest #8: Teach Cooking.
Solution: Bawakan Large Egg untuk Sakuya saat dia meminta bahan masakan.
* Quest # 9: Spend a Night.
Solution: Berubahlah menjadi Wooly lalu bicara dengan Sakuya 2x. Selanjutnya berikan Woolly Furball.
* Quest #1: I’m hungry.
Solution: Berikan Rice x3 (bisa dibeli di General Shop).
* Quest #2: Bring it On!
Solution: Buatlah Rice Ball di dapur rumahmu (by hand) dan berikan ke Collette.
* Quest #3: Someone help!
Solution: Bicara dengan Marian, kemudian temukan Sherman dan Hazel untuk bicara dengan mereka. Balik lagi ke Marian untuk menyelesaikannya.
* Quest #4: Help me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Privera Forest dan masuki area yang memiliki pohon apel.
* Quest #5: Job advice.
Solution: Bicara dulu dengan Blaise, Rusk dan Marian. Kemudian temukan Collette di Flower Field.
* Quest #6: Help fix Rusk!
Solution: Temukan Rusk di atas pohon di Plaza, lalu kembali ke Collette dan kembali ke Rusk untuk membujuknya. Bicara lagi dengan Collette.
* Quest #7: Eat my Cooking.
Solution: Pergilah ke Diner.
* Quest #8:
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field bersama Collette.
* Quest # 9: Try my cooking again!
Solution: Kamu tinggal menuju ke Diner untuk melihat event.
* Quest #1: Lumber help.
Solution: Bawakan Wood x1.
* Quest #2: Weeding help.
Solution: Bawakan Red Grass x1, Yellow Grass x2 dan Orange Grass x1.
* Quest #3: Help wanted.
Solution: Bawakan Iron x1 dan Wood x1.
* Quest #4: Someone....
Solution: Temui Blaise untuk mendapatkan Dried Sardine.
* Quest #5: Want assistant.
Solution: Pergilah ke Rainbow Fall, di depan air terjun periksa semak untuk menemukan Round Stone.
* Quest #6: Want assistant.
Solution: Buatlah (atau beli) Ruby Ring.
* Quest #7: Study time.
Solution: Temukan 5 patung di Privera Forest. Patung terakhir berada tepat di sebelah kanan rumah Daria. Setelah memeriksa kelimanya, bicara dengan Daria.
* Quest #8: Rainbow Dream.
Solution: Berikan Wood x20.
* Quest # 9: Golden.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Daria.
* Quest #1: A favor.
Solution: Tangkap Masu Trout (Spring), Pike (Fall) dan Pond Smelt (Winter) di dungeon musim masing-masing.
* Quest #2: Move here.
Solution: Bicara dengan Kuruna.
* Quest #3: Desert Tour.
Solution: Pergilah ke Sol Terano: Star Dunes.
* Quest #4: Food...
Solution: Buatlah Roasted Yam. Kamu butuh Oven dan Yam (Fall).
* Quest #5: Escort me.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Wells, kemudian antarkan Kuruna pulang.
* Quest #6: Go with me.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field.
* Quest #7: Cookie.
Solution: Buatkan Chocolate Cookie untuk Kuruna.
* Quest #8: Strange lately.
Solution: Bicara dengan Kuruna, Ondorus lalu Kuruna lagi.
* Quest # 9: Take a walk.
Solution: Pergilah ke depan Sharance Tree, lalu ke Plaza.
* Quest #1: You better...
Solution: Pancing 2 ikan dari musim Spring dan berikan ke Carmen (Squid dan Lover Fish juga diterima).
* Quest #2: Need some help.
Solution: Setelah menerima Sashimi Knife dari Carmen, pergilah ke Gaius. Berikan pisau tersebut lalu kembali ke Carmen.
* Quest #3: Can I ask..
Solution: Jawab pertanyaan Carmen, dia menanyakan tipe perempuan idealmu. Jawab sesuai dengan kepribadian Carmen.
* Quest #4: Date!
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward Valley.
* Quest #5: About Carlos.
Solution: Kamu harus pergi ke rumah jam antara 8 PM – 11 PM.
* Quest #6: Date again.
Solution: Pergilah ke Oddward Valley: Archway.
* Quest #7: I want to say.
Solution: Bicaralah dengan Carmen.
* Quest #8: I wanna meet.
Solution: Pergilah ke Flower Field bersama Carmen.
Cewek manis yang baik hati dan akrab ini adalah cucu nya Mayor di Sharance Tree, Wells. Ia bekerja di toko bunga, Fantastic Flower(rumahnya) dan sangat menyayangi adik perempuannya, Monica.
Birthday: 11 Spring.
Family: Wells, Monica.
Likes: Flower(Semua jenis), Weeds, Waterpot (segala jenis), Fertilizer.
Dislike: Withered grass.
Weapon: Watering pot
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Pickled Turnip, Iron Flower, Toyherb, Pinkcat.
Cewek yang dingin diluarnya tapi memiliki sisi hangat didalamnya yang ternyata dapat berubah menjadi burung phoenix. Ia bekerja sekaligus tinggal di Blacksmith's milik Gaius. Memiliki lidah yang tajam.
Birthday: 29 Spring.
Family: None.
Likes: Pendants(segala jenis), Crystal(segala jenis), Flower(Toyherb, Moondrop, Pinkcat, Charm Blue).
Dislike: Rocks, Scrap mental, Weeds, Withered Grass.
Weapon: Sword
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Tuna Sashimi, Omelette Rice, Ice Cream, Strawberry Milk.
Cewek yang bekerja di Blaise's dinner(rumahnya). Bersahabat baik dengan Marian sejak kecil dan sangat menyukai Rice.
Birthday: 21 Autumn
Family: Blaise, Rusk.
Likes: Rice(segala jenis), Curry Manju, Curry Udon, Ultimate Curry, Royal Curry.
Dislike: Milk
Weapon: Axe
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Egg bowl, Ultimate Curry, Milk porridge, Salmon Rice Ball.
Pemimpin dari univir-settlement. Sebelum adanya Unity festival dia sangat membenci manusia. Ia juga mempunyai peliharaan bernama Will.
Birthday: 17 Winter.
Family: None.
Likes: Cake(segala jenis), Cookie, Chocolate, Yam-dessert, Flower(terutama rare flower).
Dislike: Apa saja selain diatas.
Weapon: Wand
Makanan yang diberi jika setelah menikah: Apple pie, Chocolate cookie, Cake, Donut.
Cucu dari Marjorie. Bercita-cita menjadi seorang dokter yang hebat seperti neneknya, namun sering(selalu) gagal.
Birthday: 17 Summer
Family: Marjorie
Likes: Green Vegetable, Green Vegetable dish.
Dislike: Tomato.
Weapon: Wand
Makanan yang diberikan jika sudah menikah: Boiled Spinach, Pickles, Fried Veggies, Vegetable Juice.
Cewek imut tapi pemalas yang bekerja di toko milik ibunya. Sering tertidur di tengah pekerjaannya. Dia juga sering bertengkar dengan ibunya tapi sebenarnya sangat menyayangi ibunya.
Birthday: 4 Winter.
Family: Hazel.
Likes: Gems (Amethys, Emerald, Ruby, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Silver, Gold dsb.), accesorys (dengan permata).
Dislike: Diamond(semua yang berhubungan dengan Diamond).
Weapon: Wand
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Rice Ball, Bread.
*Note: Ia sangat jarang memberimu makanan.
Anak kesayangan Sherman yang sedikit angkuh. Ia juga berbicara seperti ayahnya, berbicara dengan berlawan arti, sering berkumpul bersama Raven dan Karina.
Birthday: 7 Autumn
Family: Sherman, Evelyn.
Likes: Rare can, super failed dish, failed dish, weeds, whitered grass, scrap mental, boots.
Dislike: Powder.
Weapon: Sword.
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Fried Egg, Stew, Hot cake, Omellette.
Cewek tomboy yang sangat menyayangi kakak laki-lakinya dan sangat menyukai mancing.
Birthday: 22 Winter
Family: Carlos.
Likes: Seafood(Pizza, Grattin, Doria), Fish, Fish dishes.
Dislike: Pumpkin, pumpkin dishes.
Weapon: Fishing Rod.
Makanan yang diberikan setelah menikah: Fried Rice, Seafood Doria, Seafood Gratin, Salted Pike.
Putri dari pemilik penginapan Miyako Inn. Sangat menyukai Sashimi dan items. Sangat mencintai uang atau bahasa lainnya sedikit mata duitan, meski begitu ia baik. Bahkan ia mau membawa dan merawat duyung yang ia temukan.
Birthday: 25 Summer
Family: Shino.
Likes: Sashimi, Items, Charm.
Dislike: Pudding, Egg(semua hal yang menyangkut ini).
Weapon: Two Handed Sword.
Makanan yang diberi setelah menikah: Failed Dish, Super failed dish, Union Stew, Glitter Sashimi.
Tinggal di dekat Privera Forest. Seorang seniman yang sangat menyukai seni. Selalu ceria dan bersemangat. Sangat menyukai pelangi.
Birthday: 24 Spring.
Family: None.
Likes: Dried Sardines, Flavored Radish, Miso eggplant, Jam, Jam Bun, Coloured Grass, Poison Rainbow Trout.
Dislike: Shrimp, Lobster, Rock.
Weapon: Hammer
Makanan yang diberi jika sudah menikah: Jam Bun, Dried Sardines, Baked eggplant, Baked Miso.
Duyung yang ditemukan dan dirawat sampai sekarang oleh Sakuya dan Shino. Sangat menyukai Squid (dalam artian dimakan) dan sangat menyayangi Ikan. Ia bekerja di Paradise bath house.
Birthday: 6 summer.
Family: None.
Likes: Squid dishes, squid, fruit(segala jenis), fruit dishes, Juice.
Dislike: Fish dishes, Fish fossil.
Weapon: Two Handed Sword / Magic Cannon.
Makanan yang diberikan setelah menikah: Fried Squid, Sashimi Squid, dll(semuanya yang termasuk golongan squid).
Wali kota di Sharance tree yang sangat keras kepala dan mempunyai 2 cucu, Shara dan Monica. Ia juga sangat membenci monster.
Birthday: 19 winter.
Family: Shara, Monica.
Likes: Dumplings, Backscratcher, Fish dishes, Rice Ball, Expensive Flower.
Dislike: Chocolate cake.
Cucu dari Wells. Sangat menyayangi kakak perempuannya dan selalu berusaha menjaga kakaknya. Ia sangat pemalu dan suka mengigit orang yang menurutnya mencurigakan.
Birthday: 26 Spring.
Family: Shara, Wells.
Like: Accesories, Flower, Cherry Grass, Wolly(segalanya yang berhubungan dengan ini).
Dislike: Fish.
Weapon: Wand
Pemilik toko blacksmith's. Ia yang merawat Raven hingga sekarang dan ia adalah seorang kurcaci. Sangat menyukai pekerjaannya yang dianggapnya adalah hobi. Menyukai Evelyn.
Birthday: 12 summer.
Family: None.
Likes: Iron, Gold, Silver, Curry Udon, Bronze, Platinum.
Dislike: Sashimi
Weapon: Two Handed Sword.
Pemilik toko Diamond General Store, ia sangat pekerja keras. Sebenarnya sangat menyayangi putrinya, Karina.
Birthday: 8 Spring.
Family: Karina.
Likes: Diamond, Cake, Vegetable.
Dislike: Withered Grass, Rock, Weeds.
Weapon: Battle Axe.
Sangat suka makan dan seorang yang kaya raya. Selalu berbicara dengan arti yang berlawanan.
Birthday: 8 Summer.
Family: Sofia, Evelyn.
Likes: All dishes
Dislike: Ore 's.
Seseorang yang sangat mencintai fashion. Selalu menggunakan apa saja untuk membuat pakaian. Berlainan dengan Ayah dan Adiknya, ia berbicara dengan normal.
Birthday: 21 Spring.
Family: Sherman, Sofia.
Likes: Fish, Clothing material(semua jenis).
Dislike: Scrap mental, mushrooms.
Weapon: Wand.
Setelah menjadi penyihir yang hebat, ia juga menjaid dokter di desa Sharance. Seharusnya di usianya yang sudah tua ia tetap di sibuk 'kan oleh Marian, cucunya, dengan segala perbuatannya.
Birthday: 11 Winter.
Family: Marian.
Likes: Relax tea leaves, Relax tea, Coloured Grass.
Dislike: Cheese.
Chef yang sangat hebat di desa Sharance.
Birthday: 10 Fall
Family: Rusk, Collette.
Likes: Chocolate, Segala jenis makanan yang manis.
Dislike: Failed dish, Wine.
Weapon: Twin Swords.
Seorang pastry chef di Blaise's dinner. Ia sangat menyukai makanan manis tetapi membenci segala jenis sayuran.
Birthday: 2 Fall
Family: Blaise, Collette.
Likes: Segala jenis makanan manis.
Dislike: Vegetable.
Weapon: Wand
Ibu Sakuya yang sudah menganggap Pia seperti anaknya sendiri. Shino adalah pemilik Penginapan.
Birthday: 26 Winter.
Family: Sakuya.
Likes: Sashimi, Mushrooms.
Dislike: Fruit.
Weapon: Twin Sword
Tinggal di pinggiran pantai bersama adik perempuannya. Sangat overprotective terhadap adiknya. Sama dengan adiknya, ia juga sangat
menyukai mancing.
Birthday: 3 summer.
Family: Carmen.
Likes: Fish, Fish dishes.
Dislike: Seafood Pizza.
Weapon: Spear.
Univir settlement
Salah satu dari kelompok Univir. Sudah berteman dengan Kuruna sejak dulu. Sangat suka membaca segala jenis buku.
Birthday: 30 Summer.
Family: None.
Likes: Prelude to L ove, Juice(Segala jenis kecuali Ole).
Dislike: Materials.
Seorang kurcaci yang juga tinggal di Univir settlement. Sangat nakal dan memiliki kamar yang sangat berantakan.
Birthday: 26 Fall.
Like: Udon(Segala jenis).
Dislike: Makanan manis.
Weapon: Sword.
Hates: Squid.
Muncul secara acak di lantai 2 Inn, di kamar kanan atas. Menjual berbagai macam item secara acak.
Muncul secara acak di lantai 2 Inn, di kamar kanan bawah. Mampu mengubah nama.
Hadiah yang akan diberikan pada kita jika Friendship level mencapai 6-7:
Shara: Blue Crystal seed.
Raven: Heart pendant.
Monica: G.Crystal seed.
Wells: Ironleaf seed.
Shino: Large fleece.
Sakuya: Large fleece.
Pia: Lamp squid.
Rusk: Cheese cake.
Collette: Ultimate Curry.
Evelyn: Large Fleece.
Sherman: Grilled Lobster.
Sofia: Platinum.
Blaise: Gold Cabbage seed.
Marian: Greenifier.
Majorie: Greenifier.
Gaius: Platinum.
Hazel: Diamond.
Karina: Gold.
Carlos: Snapper.
Carmen: Snapper.
Daria: Platinum.
Zaid: Platinum.
Ondorus: Prelude to Love.
Kuruna: Cake.
Pada tanggal 1st Spring tahun selanjutnya kalian bisa mendapatkan uang dari Wells, Marjorie, Sherman, Shino, Hazel, dan Ondorus.
Wells: 10.000 G
Marjorie: 10.000 G
Sherman: 50.000 G
Shino:15.000 G
Hazel: 5.000 G
Ondorus: 5.000 G
Menikah dan Memiliki Anak
Punya Double Bed (15000 G + 80 Wood) dan Affection Lv 10 dari perempuan yang kamu suka,tunggulah sampai kamu bisa melamarnya. Tunggu 1 Bulan setelah kamu menikah, lalu bicara dengan istrimu, dia akan menanyakan jenis kelamin anakmu. Maksimal Memiliki 3 Anak
Monster Pet
Syarat : Harus sudah memiliki minimal 1 Ruang Barn (1st Barn – 40 Wood, 2nd Barn- 80 Wood,dst)
Beri monster yang kamu inginkan,sebuah item, jika dia menyukainya, dia akan memiliki lambang hati.
NB : Zaid kadang memberi tahu apa yang para monster sukai.
Cooking & Experiment
Syarat : Sudah mempunyai tempat kosong untuk ke atas
Beli di Marian dan Gaius untuk mendapat perlengkapan Forging, Pharmacy, Synthesis dan Cooking.
Legend Weapon
Rune Legend>>Forge Skill: 99ATK 293 M.ATK 200
-Dragon Tooth
-Dragon Tooth
-Fairy Dust
Kalivarn >>Forge Skill: 98ATK 468 M.ATK 128
-Dragon Tooth
-Dragon Fin
Legion >>Forge Skill: 98ATK 380 DEF 30 M.ATK 180
-Dragon Tooth
-Dragon Fin
Saint Axe >>Forge Skill: 96ATK 438 M.ATK 225 [Li] (HP Drain?)
-Battle axe
-Light Crystal
-Small Crystal
-Dragon Fin
Splash Star>>Forge Skill: 97ATK 448 M.ATK 220
-Battle Hammer
-Devil Blood
-Fairy Dust
-Dragon Fin
Magic Broom >>Forge Skill: 86ATK 174 M.ATK 340 [Wn]
-Broken Box
-Silk Cloth
-Blue Lion Fur
-Dragon Fin
Pickled Turnip
Pickled Turnip. It's refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients: Pink Turnip
Sell: 480G
Skill Level: 2
Pickled Turnip
Pickled Turnip. It's refreshing taste is great for cleaning the palate.
Ingredients: Turnip
Sell: 480G
Skill Level 3
Rice Ball
rice pressed into a triangular shape. Often pasked as lunches, as they are good on the go.
Ingredients: Rice
Sell For: 150G
HP Rec +50%
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 6
Cucumber pickled for a short period. Very popular to munch on.
Ingredients: Cucumber
Sell: 250G
HP Rec +50, RP Rec +35%, HP Max +50
Skill Level 9
Bamboo Rice
Rice Mixed with bamboo shoots. A delicious spring dish.
Ingredients: Rice and Bamboo
Sell: 200G
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +50%, RP Max +10%, STR +2, VIT +2
Skill Level 10
Raisin Bread
Bread sprinkled with dried raisins. Soft with a sweet-yet-sour tang.
Ingredients: Bread, Grape
Sell: 670G
Skill Level 12
Ice Cream
A desert made from frozen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Small Milk
Sell: 420G
HP Rec +20%, RP Rec +65%, VIT -8, INT +6
Effect: 3 hours
Skill Level 14
Samon Rice Ball
Salted salmon surrounded by rice, then formed into a triangle.Raises chance of criticals.
Ingredients: Salted Salmon, Rice
HP Rec +75%, RP Rec +50%, HP Max +30, STR +14%
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 15
Fruit Sandwhich
Fruit placed between slices of bread. It's refreshing taste makes for a good snac
Ingredients: Strawberry, Orange, Apple, Bread
RP Rec + 50%, HP Max +60, RP Max +80, STR -2, INT +2
Effect: 6 hours
Skill Level 15
A combination of raw vegetables. Very, very nutritious.
ingredients: Boiled egg, Cucumber, Daikon Radish, Tomato, cabbage
HP Rec +40%, RP Rec +40%, HP Max +100, RP Max +50, STR -4
Skill Level 16
Ice Cream
A dessert made form forzen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Medium Milk
Skill Level: 16
Veggies and other fillings placed between slices of bread. Can easily be eaten with just one hand.
Ingredients:Pink Cat, Tomato, Cuucmber, Boilded Egg, Bread
Skill Level: 18
Ice Cream
A dessert made from forzen milk. Halves water damage, but makes you vulnerable to fire damage.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Skill Level: 18
Turnip Heaven
The turnips of the world, finally together. Eat all three colors at once for the best experience
Ingredients: White Turnip, Pink Turnip, Gold Turnip
Skill Level: 20
Relax Tealeaves
A combination of various medicinal herbs. Can be eaten as is, but better when made into a tea.
Ingredients: White Grass, Medicenal Herb, Green Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Yellow Grass
Skill Level:25
Squid Sashami
Slices of raw squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Squid
Skill Level: 9
Masu Trout Sashimi
Slices of raw masu trout served up for comsumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Masu Trout
Skill Level: 12
Sardine Sashimi
Slices of raw sardine served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Sardine
Skill Level: 15
Char Sashimi
Slices of raw Char served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Char
Skill Level:15
Shrimp Sashimi
Slices of raw shrimp served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Char
Skill Level: 15
Cherry Sashimi
Slices of raw cherry salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Cherry salmon
Skill Level: 17
Pike Sashimi
Slices of raw Pike served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Pike
Skill Level: 18
Poison Sashimi
Slices of raw Poison rainbow trout served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Poison Rainbow Trout
Skill Level: 21
Needlefish Sashimi
Slices of raw Needle Fish served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Needle Fish
Skill Level: 22
Girella Sashimi
Slices of raw Girella served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Girella Fish
Skill Level: 25
Salmon Sashimi
Slices of raw salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Salmon
Skill Level: 25
Skipjack Sashimi
Slices of raw skipjack served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Skipjack
Skill Level: 28
Lobster Sashimi
Slices of raw lobster served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Lobster
Skill Level: 29
Turbot Sashimi
Slices of raw turbot served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Turbot
Skill Level: 29
Flounder Sashimi
Slices of raw flounder served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Flounder
Skill Level: 31
Snapper Sashimi
Slices of raw snapper served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Snapper
Skill Level: 32
Yellowtail Sashimi
Slices of raw yellowtail served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Yellowtail
Skill Level: 35
Fall Sashimi
Slices of raw fall flounder served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Fall flounder
Skill Level: 37
Lamp Squid Sashimi
Slices of raw lamp squid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Lamp Squid
Skill Level: 38
Lover Sashimi
Slices of raw Lover snapper served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Lover snapper
Skill Level:39
Taimen Sashimi
Slices of raw taimen served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Taimen
Skill Level: 40
Glitter Sashimi
Slices of raw glitter salmon served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
Skill Level:41
Sunsquid Sashimi
Slices of raw sunsquid served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Sunsquid
Skill Level: 42
Tuna Sashimi
Slices of raw tuna served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Tuna
Skill Level: 43
Blowfish Sashimi
Slices of raw blowfish served up for consumption. Generally eaten with soy sauce.
Ingredients: Blowfish
Skill Level: 51
?Frying Pan
Salted Char
Char, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Char
Skill Level: 12
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved bt the masses for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Small Egg
Skill Level: 14
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved bt the masses for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 16
Fried Squid
Squid, salted. then fried. Goes well with mayonaise and mustard.
Ingredents: Squid
Skill Level: 16
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's mainly eaten at breakfast.
Ingredients: Corn, Small Milk
Skill Level: 17
Salted Masu Trout
Masu Trout, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, thetastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Masu Trout
Skill Level: 17
Potatoes mashed, then made into small cakes and fried. Loved bt the masses for their simplicity and taste.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato, Large Egg
Skill Level: 18
French Toast
Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply melting in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Small Egg
Skill Level: 19
Dried Sardines
Numerous sardines skewered, then dried. Raises chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredietns: Sardine, Sardine, Sardine
Skill Level: 20
Corn, flattene and then baked. High in nutrition, it's mainly eaten at breakfast.
Ingredients: Corn, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 20
Salted Pond Smelt
Pond Smelt, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Pond Smelt
Skill Level: 21
Often eaten at breakfast. Makes you resistant to poison, paralysis, and sleep,
Ingredients: Flour, Honet, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 22
Grilled Shrimp
Shrimp, flavored, then whole-grilled. Its crispy crunch is loved by many.
Ingredients: Shrimp
Skill Level: 22
Corn, flattened and then baked. High in nutrition, it's mainly eaten at breakfast.
Ingredients: Corn, Large Milk
Skill Level: 23
French Fries
Peeled and sliced potatoes fried in oil. So crispy, salty, and addictive.
Ingredients: Oil, Potato
Skill Level: 23
Salted Pike
Pike, salted, then fried. Often eaten in fall. Resists seal effect.
Ingredietns: Daikon Radish, Pike
Skill Level: 23
French Toast
Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Knokwn and oved for simply melting in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 23
Salted C. Salmon
Cherry Salmon, salted then fried. Increase the chance of critical hits.
Ingredients: Cherry Salmon
Skill Level: 23
Fried Udon
The first person to fry udon is said to hace done so on a whim. Now it's widely loved.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Onion, Carrot, Cabbage
Skill Level: 24
Fried Crucian Carp
Crucian Carp, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingredients: Crucian Carp
Skill Level: 24
Fried Mackerel
Mackerel, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingredients: Mackerel
Skill Level: 24
Often eaten at breakfast. Makes you resistan to poison, paralysis, and sleep.
Ingredients: Flour, Honey, Sweet Powder, Large Milk, Large Egg
Skill Level: 24
Baked Apple
A sweet treat, blending spices and the flavor of apple perfectly. Halves fire and wind damage.
Ingredients: Apple, Hot-Hot Fruit
Skill Level: 25
A meat and vegtable mix, wrapped in a thing piece of dough. Can be eiether fried or boiled.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Onion, Cabbage
Skill Level: 25
Salted P. Trout
Poison Rainbow Trout, salted, then fried. Careful! Some poison's left over!
Ingredients: Salted Posion Trout
Skill Level: 26
Fried Needlefish
Needlefish, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Needlefish
Skill Level: 27
French Toast
Bread fried lightly with milk and eggs. Known and loved for simply melting in your mouth.
Ingredients: Oil, Bread, Large Egg
Skill Level: 27
Salted Chub
Chub, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingredients: Chub
Skill Level: 27
Corn kernels heated until they pop. Generally eaten salted, but sugar or even caramel will also work.
Ingredients: Corn
Skill Level: 27
Cabbage Cakes
Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region has its own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Small Egg
Skill Level: 28
Cabbage Cakes
Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region has its own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Cabbage, Cabbage, Large Eggs
Skill Level: 29
Salted Salmon
Salomon, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when coooked.
Ingredients: Salmon
Skill Level: 30
Fried Eggs
The defenitive home-cooked egg dish. makes you a but resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level: 30
Cabbage Cakes
Cabbage added to a water and flour paste, then baked. Each region has its own recipe.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Cabbage, Large Egg
Skill Level; 30
Fried Veggies
Various vegetables mixed and fried together. Easier to eat than when raw.
Ingredients; Carrot, Oil, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Onion
Skill Level: 31
Salted Taimen
Taimen, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingreidients: Taimen
Skill Level: 31
A standard, plain omelet. makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Small Milk. Small Egg
Skill Level: 32
Fried Skipjack
Skipjack, lightly fried on one side. Halves all incoming wind damage.
Ingredients: Skipjack
Skill Level: 33
Fried Eggs
The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingridients: Large Egg
Skill Level: 33
Fried Gibelio
Gibelio, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it will be when cooked.
Ingreidients: Gibelio
Skill Level: 34
Fried Turbot
Turbo, salted, then fried. Slightly increases the chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Turbot
Skill Level: 34
Miso Eggplant
Miso added to a roasted eggplant. Has a mellow, distinguished taste.
Ingredients: Eggplant
Skill Level: 34
Grilled Lobster
Lobster, flavored, then whole-grilled. A gorgeous dish, it looks like a feast simply by itself.
Ingredients: Lobster
Skill Level; 34
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critcal hits.
Ingredients: Medium Milk, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 34
Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked. Resistan to seal and sleepiness.
Ingredients; Oil, Flour, Butter, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 35
A standard, plain omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Large Milk, Large Egg
Skill Level: 36
Fried Flounder
Flounder, salted, then fried. Slightly increases chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Flounder
Skill Level: 36
Fried Eggs
The definitive home-cooked egg dish. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level: 36
Fried S. Flounder
Sand flounder, salted, then fried. Halves fire and earth elemental damage.
Ingredients: Sand Flounder
Skill Level: 36
Flour and butter shaped into a ring, then baked. Resistant to seal and sleepiness.
Ingredients: Oil, Butter, Large Egg, Flour
Skill Level: 37
Fried Rice
Rice and egg fried together in oil. Makes you a bit resistant to being knocked away.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 37
Frie Snapper
Snapper, salted, then fried. Raises chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Snapper
Skill Level: 37
Omelet Rice
Chicken and rice wrapped in an omelet. Makes you a bit resistant to critical hits.
Ingredients: Omelet, Rice, Ketchup
Skill Level: 39
Rice and sauce in wonderful harmony. Halves all types of damage.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Onion, Tomato, Toyherb
Skill Level: 39
Fried Rice
Rice and egg fried together in oil. Makes you a bit resistant to being knocked away.
Ingredients: Oil, Rice, Leek, Green Pepper, Large Egg
Skill Level: 39
Dry Curry
Unlike regular curry, made without a sauce. Makes you vulnerable to all type damages.
Ingredients: Oil, Curry Powder, Rice, Carrot, Green Pepper, Onion
Skill Level: 40
Fried Yellowtail
Yellwotail, salted, then fried. The fresher the fish, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish, Yellowtail
Skill Level: 40
Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
Ingredients: Oil, Shrimp, Onion, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 40
Fried Girella
Ginella, salted, then fried. You'll be a little harder to knock away.
Ingredients: Girella
Skill Level: 41
Curry Bread
Baked bread with curry in the center. Makes you vulnerable to all type damages.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Dry Curry
Skill Level: 42
Fried F. Flounder
Fall Flounder, salted then fried. Slightly increases chance of landing critical hits.
Ingredients: Fall Flounder, Daikon Radish
Skill Level: 42
Various foods coated in flour and egg, then fried.
Ingredients: Oil, Flour, Shrimp, Large Egg
Skill Level: 42
Fried Lamp Squid
Lamp Squid. A little bitter after being fried, but still popular with real gourmet connoisseurs.
Ingredients: Lamp Squid, Lamp Grass
Skill Level: 43
Fried L. Snapper
Lover snapper, salted, then fried. Resists critical hits.
Ingredients: Lover Snapper
Skill Level: 44
Fried G. Snapper
Glitter Snapper, salted, then fried. Greatly reduces light damage.
Ingredients: Glitter Snapper
Skill Level: 46
Fried Sunsquid
Sunsquid, salted, then fried. The fresher the quid, the tastier it'll be when cooked.
Ingredients: Sunsquid
Skill Level: 47
Tuna Teriyki
Fried tuna with sweet sauce added. Basting dureing cooking is key.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish, Tuna
Skill Level: 48
Fried Blowfish
Fried blowfish. Makes you fairly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Blowfish, Antidote Herb, Antidote Herb
Skill Level: 56
Medium Mayonaise
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from vegetables to fish.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level: 5
Medium Yogurt
Made from processing milk. Settles and smoothes the workings of the stomach..
Ingredienets: White Grass, Small Milk
Skill Level: 6
Apple Juice
Fresh apple juice. Allows the natural taste, color, and flavor of apples to be completely enjoyed.
Ingredients: Apple
Skill Level: 8
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in recipes.
Ingredients: Small Milk
Skill Level: 9
Medium Mayonaise
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from vegetables to fish.
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Skill Level: 10
Medium Yogurt
Made from processing milk. Settles and smoothes the workings of the stomach.
Ingredients: White Grass, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 10
Orange Juice
Fresh oranges squeezed dry to make juice. Behind the crisp acidity lies the perfect sweetness.
Ingrdients: Orange
Skill Level; 11
Pineapple Juice
Juice freshly squeezed from fresh pineapples. Has a beautiful color, fragrance and sweet, sweet taste.
Ingredients: Pineapple
Skill Level: 13
Vegtable Juice
Juice packed with highy nutricious vegetables. Addicting, even though it's not bitter and not so tasty.
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Pink Turnip, Carrot, Spinach
Skill Level: 14
Vegtable Ole
Vegetables mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people actually like its unique flavor.
Ingredients: Vegtable Juice, Small Milk
Skill Level; 15
Medium Mayonaise
Made from processing eggs. Has a variety of uses on many types of food, from vegetables to fish.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level; 15
Strawberry Milk
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Small Milk
Skill Level; 15
Grape Juice
Fresh grape juice. Very sweet, with a strong, enticing aroma.
Ingredients: Grape
Skill Level: 15
Fruit Juice
A micture of fruit juices. Twice the flovor, twice the nutrition, four times the enjoyment.
Ingredients: Pineapple, Apple, Grape, Orange
Skill Level: 16
Vegtable Ole
Vegetables mixed with milk to take off it bitterness. Some people actually like this unique flavor.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 16
Strawberry Milk
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients: Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
Vegtable Ole
Vegetable mixed with milk to take off its bitterness. Some people actually like this unique flavor.
Ingredients: Vegtable Juice, Large Milk
Skill Level: 17
Churned milk. Unlikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in recipies.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Skill Level; 18
Fruit Ole
Fruit and milk combined in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal status.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Small Milk
Skill Level: 18
Tomato Juice
Juice packed with the rich nutrients from tomatoes. Cures fatigue.
Ingredients: Tomato
Skill Level; 18
Hot Juice
A drink made from Hot-Hot Fruits. Never gets cold. Halves fire damage.
Ingredients: Hot-Hot Fruit, Red Grass, Heavy Spice
Skill Level: 19
Strawberry Milk
A mixture of strawberries and milk, the ratio of the two depends on one's taste. Sweet and easy to drink.
Ingredients; Strawberry, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
Skill Level: 19
Fruit Ole
Fruit and milk combine in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal status.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 19
Fruit Ole
Fruit and milk combine in a smooth, easy-to-drink mixture. Cures seal status.
Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Large Milk
Skill Level: 20
Medium Cheese
Made from proccessing milk. Has a distinctive flavor. Can be eaten as is, or used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Small Milk, Yellow Grass
Skill Level; 20
Medium Yogurt
Made from proccessing milk. Settles and smoothes the workings of the stomach.
Ingredients: White Grass, Large Milk
Skill Level; 20
Mixed Juice
A moxture of vegetable juices. Maks you slightly resistant to status ailments.
Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Fruit Juice
Skill Level: 22
A condiment made form tomatoes. Goes well with eggs, potatos, and hamburgers!
Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Skill Level: 23
Prelude to Lovr
Its sweet-yet-sour rush hits you like Cupid's arrow. Halves all types of damage.
Ingredients; Pink Melon, Strawberry
Skill Level; 24
Medium Cheese
Made from proccessing milk. Has a distinctive flavor. Can be eaten as is, or used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 25
Churned mlik. Unikely to be eaten alone, generally used as an ingredient in recipies.
Ingredients: Large Milk
Skill Level: 27
Mixed Ole
Fruit, Veggies, and milk all mixed together. Cures fatigue and resists status effects.
Ingredients; Fruit Ole, Vegetable Ole
Skill Level: 28
Medium Cheese
Made from proccessing milk. Has a distinctive flavor. Can be eaten as is, or used on or in many dishes.
Ingredients: Yellow Grass, Large Milk
Skill Level: 30
Gold Juice
A blend of golden things found across the world. To be honest, not very pleasent to drink.
Ingredients: Gold Pumpkin, Gold Emery Flower, Gold Potato, Gold Turnip, Gold Cabbage
Skill Level: 32
Hot Milk
The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Small Milk
Skill Level: 5
Hot Milk
The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Medium Milk
Skill Level: 7
Hot Milk
The simplest of dishes. Just warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients; Large Milk
Skill Level: 9
Hot Choclate
Choclate added to warm milk. Makes you slightly resistant to poison.
Ingredients: Choclate
Skill Level: 12
Boiled Egg
Simple dish using eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level: 13
Boiled Spinach
Spinach, boiled, then flavored. Boil it for too long, though, and it'll be completely bland.
Ingredients: Spinach
Skill Level: 14
Boiled Egg
Simple dish using eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Skill Level: 14
Boiled Egg
Simple dish using eggs. Can be runny or hard. Resists seal effect.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level: 14
Grape Liqeur
A combination of wine and grapes cooked in a pot. Easier to land criticals after drinking.
Ingredients: Grape, Charm Blue, Purple Grass, Wine
Skill Level; 18
Apple Jam
A sweet preserve made from apples. Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
Ingredients: Apple x3
Skill Level: 23
A sweet oraange preserve made from oranges. The peels are also grated up and included.
Ingredients; Orange x3
Skill Level: 24
Strawberry Jam
A sweet preserve made from strawberries. Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
Ingredients; Strawberry x3
Skill Level: 25
Boiled Gyoza
Gyozas with thicker dough used to allow boiling. Has a moist, refined taste.
Ingredients: Flour, Spinach, Cabbage
Skill Level: 26
Grape Jam
A sweet preserve made from grapes. Generally eaten spread on bread or toast.
Ingredients: Grape x3
Skill Level: 27
Thick, wide noodles. Slippery to pick up, but go down easily.
Ingredients: Pink Turnip, Flour, Carrot, Mixed Herbs
Skill Level: 29
Egg Bowl
A flavored egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or salty, dependin on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Small Egg
Skill Level: 32
Rice Porridge
Rice boiled in water, softening it. Cures fatigue and cold, resistant to fatigue.
Ingredients: Rice, Mixed Herbs, Hot-Hot Fruit
Skill Level: 33
Curry Udon
A combination of udon and curry. Udon generally goes well with grains, but this combination works too.
Ingredients: Flour, Curry Powder, Pink Turnip, Carrot
Skill Level: 33
Tempura Bowl
Tempura and sauce on top of a bowl of rice. The combination of the three creates a great taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Tempura, Sour Drop
Skill Level: 34
Boiled Pumpkin
Flavored pumpkin boiled in a pot, creating a hot, sweet pumpkin dish.
Ingredients: Pumpkin
Skill Level: 35
Egg Bowl
A flavored egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or salty, dependin on your own taste.
Ingredients: Medium Egg, Rice, Onion
Skill Level; 35
Flavored Radish
Daikon radish boiled, then flavored. Easily digested and gentle on the stomach.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish
Skill Level: 36
Tempura Udon
Udonb with tempura on top. The debate to eiether keep the temputa crisp or let it soak rages even today.
Ingredients; Udon, Sour Drop, Tempura
Skill Level: 37
Egg Bowl
A flavored egg mixture poured over rice. The eggs can be sweet or salty, dependin on your own taste.
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Large Egg
Skill Level: 38
Glazed Yam
Fried yam glazed with sweet honey. Fun to eat, and a very popular snack.
Ingredients: Yam, Sweet Powder
Skill Level: 39
Rockfish Stew
Stewed until the meat falls off. Cures paralysis, halves fire and earth damage.
Ingredients: Rockfish, White Cabbage
Skill Level: 41
Milk Porridge
Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises resistance.
Ingredients; Rice, Small Milk
Skill Level: 42
Milk Porridge
Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises resistance.
Ingredients: Rice, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 44
Milk Porridge
Milk added to rice porridge. Cures fatigue and colds; also raises resistance.
Ingredients: Rice, Large Milk
Skill Level: 46
Cheese Fondue
A hefty amount of cheese melted in a pot. Eaten with bread.
Ingredients; Bread, Cheese x4
Skill Level; 47
Curry Rice
A mealtime staple -- so much so that there isn't anyone who hasn't had it. Halves fire damage.
Ingredients: Rice, Carrot, Curry Powder, Red Grass, Heavy Spice
Skill Level: 55
Union Stew
A pot filled with a bit of everything. Cooked at the table...and all must fight over portions.
Ingredients: Daikon Radish, Leek, White Cabbage x2, Hot-Hot Fruit
Skill Level: 58
Milk and vegetables boiled together. Halves water, earth, wind, and light damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Potato, Carrrot Onion, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 58
Relax Tea
A tea infused with a variety of herbs. Cures all but colds, and raises resistance.
Ingredients: Relax Tealeaves, Houney, Pink Melon, Leek
Skill Level: 64
Milk and vegetables boiled together. Halves water, earth, wind, and light damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Potato, Carrrot Onion, Large Milk
Skill Level: 64
Ultimate Curry
The product of years of seeking the ultimate curry. Halves fire damage.
Ingredients; Wine, Curry Powder, Heavy Spice, Devil Blood, Insect Skin
Skill Level; 70
Royal Curry
A curry loved by nobles. Requires a top chef to prepare. Greatly redueces fire damage.
Ingredients: Magic Powder, Apple, Honey, Curry Powder, Mixed Spices x2
Skill Level: 85
Small Balls of sweet rice paste on skewers. Cures poison and highly resists critical hits.
Ingredients: Dumpling Powder
Skill Level: 11
Plain Manju
Ingredients wrapped in a soft, plump skin and steamed. Resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Mixed Spices
Skill Level: 30
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Small Egg
Skill Level; 31
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Medium Egg
Skill Level: 33
Steamed Bread
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Small Egg
Skill Level: 33
Curry Manju
A curry-filled manju. Ressits all status effects but amkes you vulnerable to elemental damage.
Ingredients: Flour, Carrot, Curry Powder, Bamboo Shoot
Skill Level: 34
A wobbly, quivering dessert. Cures fatigue and colds and resists all status effects.
Ingredients: Large Egg
Skill Level; 35
Steamed Bread
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 36
Steamed Bread
Bread that's been steamed. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey,Large Egg
Skill Level: 39
Stamed Cake
A light, fluffy caked. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Small Milk
Skill Level: 41
Steamed Cake
A light, fluffy caked. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 42
Steamed Cake
A light, fluffy caked. Cures fatigue and makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients; Flour, Honey, Large Milk
Skill Level: 43
Pumpkin Pudding
Pudding with the added sweetness and freagrance of pumpkin. Makes you resist all stat effrects.
Ingredients: Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 44
Cheese Bread
Streamed bread baked with cheese. Makes you a bit resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Honet, Cheese
Skill Level: 45
Steamed Gyoza
Gyoza, cooked the standard way. makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Oil, Onion, Cabbage
Skill Level: 45
Pumpkin Pudding
Pudding with the added sweetness and freagrance of pumpkin. Makes you resist all stat effrects.
Ingredients: Honey, Pumpkin, Yellow Grass, Large Egg
Skill Level: 48
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Small Egg
Skill Level: 48
Meat Dumpling
A popular snack. Resists seal and other status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Cabbage, Green Grass, Shrimp, Onion
Skill Level: 49
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 51
Pound Cake
A sweet, square cake. Cures paralysis and fatigue and makes you resistant to all status ailments.
Ingredients: Flour, Large Egg
Skill Level; 54
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Small Milk
Skill Level: 12
Beautifully browned bread. Fights daily with cereal for the title of "King of Breakfast."
Ingredients: Bread
Skill Level: 14
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 15
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Crisp and obviously handmade, it makes the perfect gift.
Ingredients: Flour, Large Milk
Skill Level: 18
Baked Rice Ball
A rice ball that has been baked. Its vrispy crunch just can't be beat.
Ingredients: Rice Ball
Skill Level: 22
Chocolate Cookie
Simple, baked flour mix cookie. Covered in plenty of choclate, its sweet yet bitter taste is addictive.
Ingredients: Chocalte, Cookie, Butter
Skill Level: 22
Roasted Yam
A slow-roasted yam. Prevalent in the fall, often baked int eh flames of a campfire.
Ingredients: Yam
Skill Level: 24
Corn on the Cob
Fragrantly roasted corn. Sweet and juicy.
Ingredients: Corn, Butter
Skill Level: 20
Jam Roll
Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack.
Ingredients: Butter Roll, Marmalade
Skill Level: 32
Jam Roll
Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack.
Ingredients: Butter Roll, Grape Jam
Skill Level: 32
Jam Roll
Bread baked with jam in the middle. Makes a great snack.
Ingredients: Butter Roll, Apple Jam
Skill Level: 32
Butter Roll
Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as "table rolls", they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Small Egg, Small Milk
Skill Level: 36
Apple Pie
A bounty of apples baked in a pie crust. Cures fatigue.
Ingredients: Flour, Apple x2, Honey, Butter
Skill Level: 36
Butter Roll
Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as "table rolls", they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Medium Egg, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 38
Butter Roll
Sweet bread slow baked with lots of butter. Also known as "table rolls", they're small and easy to eat.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Large Egg, Large Milk
Skill Level; 40
Yam Dessert
Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into molds and baked.
Ingredients: Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 44
Various toppings placed t on round dough, then baked. There are literally unlimited variations.
Ingredients: Ketcup, Eggplant, Flour, Onion, Cheese x2
Skill Level: 44
Yam Dessert
Butter and milk mixed into yam strainings, then poured into molds and baked.
Ingredients: Yam, Butter, Sweet Powder, Large Milk
Skill Level: 48
Seafood Pizza
A pizza topped with shrimp and squid. Looks fantastic, and smells great, too.
Ingredients: Ketcup, Squid, Flour, Shrimp, Cheese x2
Skill Level: 46
Sauce and cheese mixed and baked in a dish. Slightly increases chance of criticals.
Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Orange Grass, Cheese x2
Skill Level: 51
Rice topped with a homemade sauce, then baked until crispy.
Ingredients; Butter, Cucumber, Rice, Onion, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 51
Seafood Gratin
Gratin containing the best of the sea. Raises chance of critical hits.
Ingredients: Onion, Shrimp, Flour, Squid, Cheese
Skill Level: 53
Rice topped with a homemade sauce, then baked until crispy.
Ingredients; Butter, Cucumber, Rice, Onion, Large Milk
Skill Level: 53
Seafood Doria
Doria that conatins the best of the sea. Packed with seafood and rice, so it's sure to fill you up.
Ingredients: Butter x2, Shrimp, Squid, Rice, Cheese
Skill Level: 58
Your basic, standar-issue cake. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour, Strawberry, Butter, Pink Cat, Mdeium Milk
Skill Level: 59
Your basic, standar-issue cake. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour, Strawberry, Butter, Pink Cat, Large Milk
Skill Level: 60
Chocolate Cake
Cake covered in chocolate. Cures all but colds, but amkes you sleepy.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Medium Milk
Skill Level: 62
Choclate Cake
Cake covered in chocolate. Cures all but colds, but amkes you sleepy.
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Large Milk
Skill Level: 64
Cheese Cake
A cheese-flavored baked sweet. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour x2, Cheese, Medium Egg
Skill Level: 68
Cheese Cake
A cheese-flavored baked sweet. Cures all but colds, but makes you sleepy.
Ingredients; Flour x2, Cheese, Large Egg
Skill Level: 72
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