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Material GOD EATER 2 PSP

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Forge Rune Factory 3

 Rune Factory 3 ~ Recipe Forge Weapon

Farming ToolsEdit


Hoes are the most essential apparatus for farming. It is use to till the soil. Also can be used to heal to soil with Withered Grass by tilling it on the soil. Hoes aren't really fast to swing, but had quite a chance to knockout enemies. Hoes are very useful to pull out Bamboo Shoots because they don't accidently cut it for the second time like the Sickle
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Rusty Hoe     Scrap Metal     Iron         Iron           -           -            -        5          -
Sturdy Hoe     Rusty Hoe     Bronze         Bronze            -              -           -        15          -
Seasoned Hoe     Sturdy Hoe     Silver         Silver            -           -           -        30          -
Shiny Hoe     Seasoned Hoe     Gold         Gold         Gold            -           -        60            -
Blessed Hoe     Shiny Hoe     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum       -        80         Light


Waterpots are essential gear for watering the crops. It doesn't grant ATK, but M-ATK instead. Although, it it fast to use for attacking, it doesn't do much damage. Waterpots needs to be filled with water for each usage, you can fill it with water from ponds, rivers, lakes, and Water Magic Seed. Moreover,really helps in the Water Skill.
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Old Waterpot     Scrap Metal     Iron            -           -          -           -        5     Water
Tin Waterpot    Old Waterpot     Bronze         Bronze            -          -              -        15     Water
Lion Waterpot   Tin Waterpot     Silver         Silver            -          -            -        30     Water
Rainbow Wtrpot    Lion Waterpot     Gold         Gold            -          -           -        60     Water
Joy Waterpot    Rainbow Wtrpot    Platinum     Platinum        -          -           -        80     Water


Sickles are not quite the gear to be use in battles, but it does have good attack radius, when used, you have to charge forward and slash very fast, it very dangerous if you acccidentaly cut your own crops. But, unlike other sharp bladed-weapons, sickles are much easy to use to cut stuffs
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Rusty Sickle     Scrap Metal     Scrap Metal     Iron            -           -           -        5          -
Iron Sickle     Rusty Sickle     Bronze            -           -           -           -        15           -
Quality Sickle     Iron Sickle     Silver            -            -           -           -        30           -
Super Sickle     Quality Sickle     Gold         Gold            -           -            -        60          -
Legend Sickle     Super Sickle     Platinum     Platinum        -           -           -        80         Wind


Axes attribute are the same as hammers, doesn't really do knock-backs or knock-outs. But much greater attacks. Most axes also does staggers, but with a 26% change ratio. All type of axe(including the battleaxe) can chop woods. Unlike battleaxes, workaxes doesn't need to be swing
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Rusty Axe     Scrap Metal     Scrap Metal     Iron         Iron            -           -        5         -
Chopping Axe     Rusty Axe     Bronze         Bronze            -           -           -        15         -
Lumber Axe     Chopping Axe     Silver         Silver            -           -           -        30         -
Mountain Axe     Lumber Axe     Gold         Gold         Gold            -           -        60         -
Miracle Axe     Mountain Axe     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum        -        80         -


All hammer are great at knock-outs and knock-backs, the chances are 50% and above. But much weaker in staggering. Although that the damage are lesser than axes. All hammers can hits rock and also ores, unlike the battlehammers, workhammers doesn't need to be swing
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Cheap Hammer     Scrap Metal     Scrap Metal     Iron         Iron         Iron            -        5         -
Bronze Hammer     Cheap Hammer     Bronze         Bronze         Bronze            -           -        15         -
Silver Hammer     Bronze Hammer     Silver         Silver         Silver            -           -        30         -
Gold Hammer     Silver Hammer     Gold         Gold         Gold         Gold            -        60         -
Platinum Hammer    Gold Hammer     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     80         -

Fishing Pole    Edit

Yes, fishing pole. Fishing poles can also be use to attacks. The range are a bit farther than staves. And also faster striking. But if it land on any body of water, that would make the fishing pole busy. Upgraded fishing poles are much better to be use for fishing, because better type poles can help to reel the fish longer by 13%. FIshing pole are the only essential tool for fishing
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Cheap Pole     Wood         Strong String        -           -           -           -        5         -
Beginner's Pole Cheap Pole     Sparkle String        -            -           -           -        15         -
Intrmdiate Pole Beginner's Pole Quality Cloth        -           -           -           -        30         -
Famous Pole     Intrmdiate Pole Tortoise Shell     Tortoise Shell        -           -           -        60         -
Sacred Pole     Famous Pole     Fish Fossil     Fish Fossil     Fish Fossil        -           -        80         -
Weapons         Edit

Short Sword     Edit

Shortswords are easy to use weapon, the attributes are all balance. making its attack a bit weaker than other weapon.
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type

Broadsword    Iron                         4     Normal
Steel Sword     Broadsword     Iron     Iron                 8     Normal
Steel Sword+     Steel Sword     Iron     Iron                 12     Normal
Cutlass     Broadsword     Bronze     Quality Cloth     Quality Cloth     16     Normal
Back Scratcher     Branch                                 20     Normal
Aquasword     Broadsword     Bronze     Quality Cloth             22     Water
Windsword     Broadsword     Iron     Scorpion Pincer         26     Wind
Defender     Broadsword     Bronze     Bronze                 29     Normal
Burnin' Blade     Broadsword     Silver     Arrowhead     Fire Crystal     30     Fire
Gaia Sword     Broadsword     Silver     Earth Crystal     Hammer Piece     31     Earth
Spoon        Iron             Sparkle String                 34     Normal
Sakura      Broadsword     Silver     Spore     Spore     Scorpion Tail     36     Dark
Luck Blade     Broadsword     Gold     Scorpion Pincer Panther Claw     41     Normal
Aerial Blade     Broadsword     Gold     Wind Crystal     Bird Wing     44     Wind
Sunspot     Broadsword     Iron     Gold     Gunpowder Gunpowder     48     Fire
Durandel     Broadsword     Platinum Proof of Warrior Proof of Warrior Cheap Bandage Raccoon Leaf     51     Normal
Grantale     Broadsword     Platinum Proof of Warrior Proof of Warrior                 55     Earth
Veggieblade     Carrot                             58     Earth
Smash Blade     Broadsword     Silver  Silver     Silver             59     Normal
Chaos Blade     Broadsword     Gold     Plant Stem Scorpion Tail Shoulder Piece         61     Dark
Icifier     Broadsword     Platinum Water Crystal Tortoise Shell Tortoise Shell     65     Water
Star Saber     Broadsword     Platinum Wind Crystal     Panther Claw Bird Wing          68     Wind
Soul Eater     Broadsword     Platinum     Emerald     Root     Hood          70     Dark
Gorgeous Sword     Broadsword     Silver     Silver     Gold     Gold     Platinum          74     Normal
Snakesword     Broadsword     Gold     Root     Shoulder Piece     Silk Cloth              77     Normal
Raventine     Broadsword     Gold     Fire Crystal     Magic Crystal     Magic Crystal     Red Lion Fur     79  
Dragonslayer     Broadsword     Platinum     Panther Claw     Bull Horn     Wolf Fang         82  
Platinum Sword     Broadsword     Silver     Platinum     Platinum     Insect Jaw     Devil Horn     85     Normal
Platinum Sword+ Platinum Sword     Silver     Platinum     Platinum     Insect Jaw     Devil Horn     88     Normal
Invisisword     Broadsword     Bronze Hammer     Fire Crystal     Water Crystal     Earth Crystal     Wind Crystal     90     Normal?
Rune Blade     Broadsword     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Diamond     Fairy Dust     92  
Gravios     Broadsword     Platinum     Diamond     Dragon Tooth     Broken Hilt     Broken Hilt     95  
Rune Legend     Broadsword     Diamond     Diamond     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Tooth     Fairy Dust     99  

Dual BladesEdit

Dual blades are actually weaker than shortswords, but the combination of both two shortswords have been average-d. The striking is the fastest than all other weapons, but render all shield wielding useless
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Short Dagger     Iron     Iron                     5     Normal
Steel Edge     Short Dagger     Iron     Iron                 9     Normal
Iron Edge     Steel Edge     Iron     Iron                 13     Normal
Thief Knife     Short Dagger     Bronze     Quality Cloth     Quality Cloth             16     Normal
Frost Edge     Short Dagger     Bronze     Quality Cloth                 21     Water
Double Scratch     Branch     Branch                     24     Normal
Steel Katana     Short Dagger     Bronze     Bronze                 25     Normal
Wind Edge     Short Dagger     Iron     Scorpion Pincer                 28     Wind
Broken Wall     Short Dagger     Silver     Earth Crystal     Hammer Piece             30     Earth
Salamander     Short Dagger     Gold     Arrowhead     Fire Crystal             32     Fire
Acutorimass     Iron     Iron     Sparkle String                 33     Normal
Rampage     Short Dagger     Gold     Scorpion Pincer     Panther Claw             35     Normal
Sonic Dagger     Short Dagger     Silver     Wind Crystal     Bird Wing             36     Wind
Desert Wind      Short Dagger     Earth Crystal     Wind Crystal                 37     Earth-Wind
Twin Leeks     Leek     Leek                     39
Twin Blade     Short Dagger     Silver     Spore     Spore     Scorpion Tail         42     Normal
Heart Fire     Short Dagger     Iron     Gold     Gunpowder     Gunpowder         45     Fire
Force Divide     Short Dagger     Silver     Fire Crystal     Water Crystal             49     Fire-Ice
Orcus Sword     Short Dagger     Platinum     Proof of Warrior     Proof of Warrior             52  
Deep Blizzard     Short Dagger     Platinum     Water Crystal     Tortoise Shell     Tortoise Shell         56     Ice/Water
Chaos Edge     Short Dagger     Gold     Plant Stem     Scorpion Tail     Shoulder Piece         63     Dark
Invite Dark     Short Dagger     Platinum     Emerald     Root     Hood         68     Dark
Priest Saber     Short Dagger     Platinum     Proof of Warrior     Proof of Warrior     Cheap Bandage     Raccoon Leaf     72     Light
Gorgeous Lx     Gorgeous Sword     Gorgeous Sword                     74     Normal
Efreet             Short Dagger     Gold     Fire Crystal     Magic Crystal     Magic Crystal     Red Lion Fur     76     Fire
Dragoon Claw     Short Dagger     Platinum     Panther Claw     Bull Horn     Wolf Fang         82     Normal
Platinum Edge     Short Dagger     Silver     Platinum     Platinum     Insect Jaw     Devil Horn     87     Normal
Emerald Edge     Platinum Edge     Silver     Emerald     Emerald     Insect Jaw     Devil Horn     90
Rune Edge     Short Dagger     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Diamond     Fairy Dust     94
Earnest Edge     Short Dagger     Platinum     Diamond     Dragon Tooth     Broken Hilt     Broken Hilt     95
Twin Justice     Short Dagger     Diamond     Diamond     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Fin     98     Normal

Long SwordEdit

Longswords have the largest swing and reach, but slow yet heavy. All longswords usually adds DEF to the stat
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Claymore     Iron     Iron     Iron                 5     Normal
Zweihander     Claymore     Iron     Iron                 8     Normal
Zweihander+     Zweihander     Iron     Iron                 15     Normal
Greatsword     Claymore     Iron     Iron     Bronze             18     Normal
Sea Cutter     Claymore     Iron     Quality Cloth     Giant's Fingernail             21     Water/Ice
Flame Saber     Claymore     Bronze     Silver     Fire Crystal             25     Fire
Cyclone Blade     Claymore     Silver     Silver     Panther Claw             27     Wind
Dekash      Tuna                         29     Water/Ice
Earth Shade     Claymore     Silver     Strong Vine     Strong Vine             30     Earth
Volcannon     Claymore     Silver     Gunpowder     Gunpowder             32     Fire
Poison Blade     Claymore     Silver     Spore     Glue             35     Normal
Big Knife     Claymore     Fish Fossil     Fish Fossil                 36     Normal
Flamberge     Claymore     Silver     Silver     Bull Horn             37     Normal
Daikone         Daikon Radish                         42     Earth
Flamberge+     Flamberge     Gold     Gold     Bull Horn             43     Normal
Super Psycho     Claymore     Bull Horn     Bull Horn     Bull Horn             45  
Snow Crown     Claymore     Gold     Water Crystal     Water Crystal             46     Ice/Water
Katana      Claymore     Silver     Silver     Silver     Gold         48     Normal
Shine Blade     Claymore     Gold     Gunpowder     Fire Crystal             50  
Katzbalger     Claymore     Silver     Silver     Gold     Gold         52  
Grand Smasher     Claymore     Gold     Earth Crystal     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang         55  
Bio Smasher     Claymore     Gold     Giant's Fingernail     Poison Powder     Insect Skin     Poison Blade     58  
Belzebyute     Claymore     Small Crystal     Small Crystal     Magic Crystal             63     Normal
Dancing Dicer     Claymore     Silver     Gold     Platinum     Wolf Fang         68     Normal
Orochi      Claymore     Root     Shoulder Piece     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang     73     Normal
Punisher     Claymore     Gold     Platinum     Fish Fossil     Hood         76     Normal
Steel Slicer     Claymore     Platinum     Platinum     Hood     Small Crystal     Fairy Dust     82     Normal
Moon Shadow     Claymore     Silver     Silver     Silver     Silver     Silver     84     Normal
Balmung     Claymore     Silver     Gold     Platinum     Platinum     Dragon Bones     89     Normal
Blue-Eyed Blade Claymore     Platinum     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang     Quality Fur     Skull     91
Braveheart     Claymore     Platinum     Diamond     Small Crystal     Fairy Dust     Fairy Dust     92
Heaven Asunder    Claymore     Gold     Platinum     Platinum     Silk Cloth     Devil Horn     94
Omni-Elemental     Claymore     Platinum     Platinum     Light Crystal     Light Crystal     Light Crystal     95
Kalivarn     Claymore     Gold     Platinum     Diamond     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Fin     98     Normal


Spears are bad to be use for swinging, but great at piercing. All spears reach are longer than longsworsd, and yet great to be use to attack extendingly through the enemy
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Spear     Iron     Wood                     6     Normal
Lance     Spear     Iron     Iron                 8     Normal
Wooden Staff     Wood     Wood     Strong Vine     Strong Vine             14     Normal
Lance+     Lance     Bronze     Bronze                 17     Normal
Needle Spear     Spear     Bronze     Panther Claw                 20     Normal
Water Spear     Spear     Bronze     Bronze     Quality Cloth             21     Water/Ice
Halberd     Spear     Iron     Iron     Silver             23     Normal
Pitchfork     Spear     Grass     Grass                 25     Normal
Corsesca     Spear     Silver     Silver     Bull Horn             27     Normal
Poison Spear     Spear     Silver     Spore     Glue             29     Normal
Corsesca+     Corsesca     Silver     Silver     Bull Horn             32     Normal
Safety Lance     Wooden Staff     Wooly Furball                     32     Normal
Heavy Lance     Spear     Silver     Tortoise Shell     Tortoise Shell             34     Normal
Magical Lance     Spear     Silver     Amethyst     Ruby     Emerald     Aquamarine     36     Normal
Feather Lance     Spear     Gold     Bird Wing     Bird Wing     Bird Wing         39     Wind
Flare Lance     Spear     Silver     Fire Crystal     Gunpowder             43     Fire
Poison Queen     Spear     Spore     Plant Stem     Scorpion Pincer     Root     Magic Powder     45     Normal
Iseberk     Spear     Gold     Gold     Water Crystal     Tortoise Shell         47     Water/Ice
Brionac     Spear     Silver     Gold     Light Crystal     Bull Horn         49     Light
Pine Club     Pineapple                         50  
Five Staff     Spear     Root     Shoulder Piece     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang     53     Normal
Blood Lance     Spear     Gold     Spore     Magic Powder     Magic Powder     Hood     55  
Monk Staff     Wooden Staff     Proof of Warrior     Quality Fur     Broken Box             62     Normal
Trident     Spear     Silver     Gold     Platinum     Platinum         67     Water/Ice
Metus     Spear     Gold     Platinum     Shoulder Piece     Hood         74     Normal
Silent Grave     Spear     Platinum     Platinum     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang         76     Dark
Overbreak     Spear     Gold     Gold     Platinum     Proof of Warrior     Silk Cloth     81     Normal
Bjor     Spear     Needle Spear     Scorpion Tail     Insect Jaw     Poison Powder     Gunpowder     86  
Belvarose     Spear     Gold     Platinum     Platinum     Devil Horn     Skull     89     Dark
Gáe Bolg     Spear     Platinum     Platinum     Bull Horn     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Bones     92
Dragon's Fang     Spear     Silk Cloth     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Tooth     95
Gungnir     Devil Horn     Platinum     Strong Vine     Scorpion Pincer     Devil Blood     Poison Powder     97
Legion     Spear     Diamond     Hood     Hood     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Fin     98


Axes have high attack ratio, but slow in swinging. All axes are bad in knock-backs and knock-outs, but versatile in staggering. When use to pulverize, axes deal heavy damage, but smaller strike area
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Battleaxe     Iron         Iron         Iron         Iron                         6         Normal
Battlescythe     Wood     Arrowhead     Hard Horn                 9     Normal
Axe     Rusty Axe     Arrowhead     Arrowhead                 12     Normal
Pole Axe     Battle Axe     Bronze     Giant's Fingernail                 16     Normal
Pole Axe+     Poleaxe     Bronze     Giant's Fingernail                 24     Normal
Great Axe     Battle Axe     Silver     Silver     Panther Claw             26     Normal
Basilisk Fang     Battlescythe     Sparkle String     Scorpion Pincer     Panther Claw             30     Dark
Tomahawk     Battle Axe     Cheap Cloth     Giant's Gloves     Insect Jaw             34     Wind
Crescent Axe     Battle Axe     Silver     Gold     Glue             36     Normal
Heat Axe     Battle Axe     Gold     Gunpowder     Gunpowder     Fire Crystal         43     Fire
Rock Axe     Battle Axe     Silver     Gold     Proof of Warrior     Bull Horn         45     Earth
Crescent Axe+     Cresent Axe     Silver     Gold     Glue             50     Normal
Frost Axe     Battle Axe     Gold     Silk Cloth     Water Crystal     Water Crystal         53     Ice/Water
Lollipop     Apple     Apple     Butter                 60     Normal?
Demon Axe     Battle Axe     Proof of Warrior     Proof of Warrior     Devil Horn     Devil Horn     Devil Horn     62     Dark
Double Edge     Battle Axe     Platinum     Arrowhead     Fish Fossil     Fish Fossil         71     Normal
Alldale     Battle Axe     Platinum     Platinum     Platinum     Insect Jaw         79     Light
Devil Finger     Basilisk Fang     Panther Claw     Wolf Fang     Devil Horn     Dragon Tooth         83     Dark
Executioner     Battle Axe     Platinum     Arrowhead     Devil Blood     Skull     Chest Hair     87     Dark
Saint Axe     Battle Axe     Platinum     Diamond     Light Crystal     Small Crystal     Dragon Fin     96     Light


Hammers have high critical rate ratio. Hammers are bad at staggering, but versatile in knock-backs and knock-outs. When use to pulverize, hammers deal much larger strike area
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv    Type
Battle Hammer     Iron         Iron         Iron         Iron         Iron                7        Normal
Bat         Cheap Cloth     Quality Cloth     Wood                                 13         Normal
War Hammer     Battle Hammer     Iron         Bronze         Bronze                        15         Normal
Strong Stone     Battle Hammer     Iron         Iron         Bronze         Bronze         Bronze         19         Normal
War Hammer+     War Hammer     Iron         Bronze         Bronze                         22        Normal
Great Hammer     Battle Hammer     Bronze         Silver         Hammer Piece                     28         Normal
Iron Bat     Bat         Iron         Iron         Iron                         32         Normal
Hammer         Cheap Hammer     Cheap Cloth     Cheap Cloth                             38         Normal
Flame Hammer     Battle Hammer     Gold         Wooly Furball     Gunpowder                     39         Fire
Toy Hammer     Insect Skin     Insect Skin     Small Egg                             46         Light
Sky Hammer     Battle Hammer     Gold         Bird Wing     Bird Wing    Bird Wing             47         Normal
Gigant Hammer     Battle Hammer     Iron         Gold         Gold         Bull Horn             48         Normal
Ice Hammer     Battle Hammer     Gold         Gold         Tortoise Shell     Root                 55         Ice/Water
Bone Hammer     Battle Hammer     Platinum     Scorpion Tail     Bull Horn     Bull Horn             58         Normal
Gravit Hammer     Battle Hammer     Platinum     Strong Vine     Tortoise Shell     Quality Fur             66         Normal
Schnabel     Battle Hammer     Silver         Platinum     Panther Claw     Proof of Warrior        69         Normal
Spiked Hammer     Battle Hammer     Platinum     Platinum     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang     Wolf Fang    73         Normal
Crystal Hammer     Battle Hammer     Gold         Platinum     Platinum     Wolf Fang             75         Normal
Giant Hammer+     Gigant Hammer     Bronze         Platinum     Platinum     Bull Horn             81         Normal
Kongo         Strong Stone     Devil Horn     Devil Horn     Devil Horn     Devil Horn     Devil Horn    84         Normal
Myurnil     Battle Hammer     Platinum     Platinum     Giant's Gloves     Hammer Piece     Quality Fur     94         Normal
Fatal Crush     Battle Hammer     Platinum     Dragon Tooth     Dragon Tooth     Broken Box     Broken Box     95         Normal
Splash Star     Battle Hammer     Platinum     Diamond     Devil Blood     Fairy Dust     Dragon Fin     97


Staves grants very low attack. but greater M-ATK. All staves are slow to be use to attack, but deals devastating damage when charged. All staves if to be use for greater spells, must be upgraded of simply must have level 3 and above
Item Name     Item 1         Item 2         Item 3         Item 4         Item 5         Item 6         Skill Lv     Type
Rod         Iron         Amethyst                                     4         Fire
Staff     Rod     Iron         Strong Vine                                     10         Earth
Ice Staff     Rod         Bronze         Emerald                             16         Ice/Water
Lightning Staff Rod         Bronze         Insect Jaw                             21         Wind
Flare Staff     Rod         Silver         Fire Crystal     Ruby                         24         Fire
Basket         Strong String     Speckled Skin     Strong Vine     Strong Vine                     29         Earth
Silver Staff     Rod         Silver         Aquamarine     Root                         36         Dark
Earth Staff     Rod         Silver         Earth Crystal     Glue                         41         Earth
Wizard's Staff     Rod         Gold         Sapphire     Magic Powder                     48         Light
Mage's Staff     Rod         Platinum     Magic Powder     Magic Crystal     Magic Crystal             54         Earth
Magic Shot     Arrowhead     Speckled Skin     Spore         Plant Stem     Strong Vine             60         Fire
Rune Staff     Rod         Platinum     Sapphire     Light Crystal     Magic Powder     Magic Crystal     67         Light
Mage's Staff+     Rod         Gold         Platinum     Devil Blood     Small Crystal             78         Dark
Magic Broom     Rod         Broken Box     Grass     Silk Cloth     Blue Lion Fur     Dragon Fin         87         Wind

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      To create medicine, you must first obtain the second floor of Sharance Tree by clearing the Privera
      Pharmacy Recipes

      Cooking Recipes can be found in-game from eating Cooking Bread. These can be bought from Blaise for
      Cooking Recipes

      To create accessories, you must first obtain the second floor of Sharance Tree by clearing the Prive
      Workshop Recipes


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Cheat MH3rd HD _S NPJB-40001 _G Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD _C0 Max. Money(Works) _L 0x217AC8D4 0x0098967F _C0 Max HP _L 0x00E49B56 0x00000096 _L 0x00E49B58 0x00000096 _L 0x00E49B16 0x00000096 _C0 Max Stamina _L 0x00E49DF2 0x00000061 _L 0x00E49DF3 0x00000044 _L 0x00E4A49A 0x00000084 _L 0x00E4A49B 0x00000003 _C0 Show Monster _L 0xE0015FA8 0x0185E610 _L 0x219698A4 0x34020080 _C0 Attack 32x _L 0x200ad964 0x00000000 _L 0x200ad96c 0x00031940 _C0 Attack 16x _L 0x200ad964 0x00000000 _L 0x200ad96c 0x00031900 _C0 Attack 8x _L 0x200ad964 0x00000000 _L 0x200ad96c 0x000318C0 _C0 Attack 4x _L 0x200ad964 0x00000000 _L 0x200ad96c 0x00031880 _C0 Attack 128x _L 0x200ad964 0x00000000 _L 0x200ad96c 0x00031b80 _C0 Give All Materials _L 0x81752CF8 0x00340004 _L 0x00000001 0x00000001 _L 0x81752DC8 0x02640002 _L 0x1000003A 0x00000001 _L 0x81753758 0x00500002 _L 0x00000001 0x100002DD _L 0x81752CFA 0x02E80004 _L 0x00000063 0x00000000 _C0 Max. Guild Points(Works) _L 0x217AC8D0 0x0098967F _C0 Max. Farm Points...